Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sometimes I Have Nothing to Offer But One Commandment

In discussing another book with my son I told him how very much I admire this guy but that if we were to be friends, it cannot happen because I have nothing to offer the guy.

He writes well, he speaks well, and I agree with most of his viewpoints but to be in a productive and expansive conversation with him...I got nothing.

He was a university professor and journalist that traveled the world and has read so many more books than me, he was stuffing his head with books and career while I was changing diapers and running a taxi service to dance and baseball fields for 20 years.

I was thinking and I was reading too but I came to the same conclusions without all his research and travel, basic truths are like that...universally known through the ages can be revealed to all that search.

But friendship? I don't see it. Being a student of his lectures, yeah.  Thanks to technology, I can do that on You Tube now that he is deceased.

But I'm just saying, I know my limits and with this guy?  I have nothing to offer. He is not my job to convert him or make him see anything my way. He is kind and anti-atheist, his word.

I would sign his petition should he have had one to change the ten commandment to include:

1) Thou shalt not harm children.

Why is this not in there?

And here's one of mine to add:

2) Thou shalt not have any other wife before or after me, no polygamy.

Yeah let's start with those two and see the world become a better place today.

Image result for hitchens even religions leaders don't agree

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