Monday, January 21, 2019

Real Intimacy Reduces Addictions

"Intimacy reduces addictions." ~ SV

Definition of Intimacy: Close familiarity or friendship

You don't think I come up with all this wisdom on my own do you?  I read, science proves much through studies of human behaviors.  The above is a quote by another author that studies science and some may not like, but if you are grounded in your own truth you can find a nugget of truth in every book. You can learn something good from everyone.

If you have a genuinely close relationship with yourself, you can rid yourself of addictions.  Addictions numb us to our true feelings/emotions. 

We can learn to control our emotions with our mind. What kind of fix will you choose? A temporary fix or a long term fix?  It depends on you, what do you want? I wanted a permanent fix.

The answers are inside of you but how can you access it?  We have to learn to think independently, step away from the anger and chaos of the world, and know who we are. We are peaceful within, it is our nature.  Peaceful minds produce peaceful results.

"Victims are the angriest people on earth." ~BK

My biggest addiction challenge is "negative thinking" this made me angry and a victim. My own divisive thoughts were the problem, not other people.

This is a sneaky one! Insidious in nature, hard to locate in the mind and even harder to control. It can be done, I work on this every day and I see 100% improvement or I would not continue the work.

Anger begins to dissipate in you when you stop being hard on yourself, you forgive yourself, you know you don't have to be perfect or control the world around you, you are enough to take care of.

Religion, wealth, fame, position in the world,success, high academic degrees, material excess, awards,  plastic surgery, do not eliminated the emotional cravings from hurt. This healing is an inside job and only you can go inside to do the work and heal yourself. Once healed, the cravings stop and the best things in life naturally come to you now easily, without strife.

Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie Mitchell are two teachers I really respect.  There must be hundreds of others in the world, you can find the ones that speak to your heart and lead you to your own inner healing. 

Once you achieve this inner peace you set boundaries to not allow anyone steal this peace from you. You do not allow others to use you, you stand up for yourself and in time, you learn to stand up for others that cannot stand up for themselves.  Once you have this power within you stop using people to get "your" way. Boundaries are paramount to your success of peace inside and out.

Thankful to not be a victim anymore, I know the power within, now to get on with it. 😌 

Tomorrow I will share a new "aha" discovery about the difference between belief and faith.

Image result for eckhart tolle know the power within

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