Sunday, January 13, 2019

I Had To Walk Out of A Comedy Club Last Night

We love to see comedians and go to a comedy club from time to time for some chuckles. Last night we saw a new comedian advertised as a favorite on Comedy Central.

He was funny enough at first than he went on and on about how marriage starts out good then goes south, south, south, south, to the point I felt his deep pain over his divorce after 26 years but he would not let it go.  There were many new couples in the crowded room, the room was full in this huge comedy club venue.

I waited hoping he would would move on but he would not. Finally after an hour of his self destructive remarks (He looked and sounded drunk on stage) and horrible recollections of 26 years of marriage to this woman he loved, I had to walk out.

I came to laugh but not at his misery.  I understand comedians draw from their life experience but this was dismal, he was hurting like it happened to day.  Sad.

It amazes me how people that come from failed relationships now proclaim to be experts and now feel qualified to counsel the new couples in the room.  Failed marriage does not make you wise about what works, failed makes you knowledgeable about what did not work for you. As he told story after story of good times he had getting drunk with friends, being on the road with comedy tours, etc. and then when he returned home how his wife expressed life was hard raising their two children without him around and then they go out on a date, she got drunk and became sexually seductive but verbally abusive towards him... the more obvious advice might be...

Here's a big hint! Start with not using alcohol for good times and bad, rather marry a strong independent woman that understands you are gone with a career that demands it. This is basic but it might's worth a try. Of course this means you have to see a real therapist to get help to work out why you both drink, but it's worth a try.

My entire life has been studying to get in control of my mind, thoughts, and actions. It is not easy but can be done.  I do feel sad for this guy but I had to walk out. I empathize with his pain. But his life is none of my business, he has to do this own work to change his life. It is not my business to do his work for him.  Someone this famous knows about therapy and when his pain is great enough, he will go for help. I just hope he gets it before he enters into another dysfunctional relationship.  He is so young, 56, to be so bitter.  Otherwise seems like a nice man.

Talk about taking your personal life to work, I guess comedians have to but not on my time this night.

May I suggest Eckhart Tolle and by Byron Katie Mitchell for a beginning and maybe throw in some Pema Chodron and Dalai Lama lectures as it is clear his Catholicism is not helping at all.

The good news, there was a local woman from Delmar that opened for him and she was hilarious, A lawyer by trade, she certainly had the timing, the delivery, and the creativity to really make us laugh. If she was headlining, I would pay to see her.  Her name was "Dray."  Yes, more of this clean laughter.  It was good to get out with my Sweetheart and I will pray for the other guy and for Dray's success!

Back to writing my book. Namaste.

Image result for funny women in comedy

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