Wednesday, January 16, 2019

When Your Motivations Shift, So Do Your Behaviors

Every action we take is based on a thought of why.

If your motivations are love, your actions will be peaceful, first for you and then others.

If your motivation is resentment, or jealousy, your actions will be punitive and violent.

What is it to be a loving person without being a doormat?  It is to know your boundaries. Peaceful actions that promote inner harmony and to have personal boundaries that prevent fear from taking the path off course.

This line between order and chaos is the line we all strive to tightrope walk. It is the motivation to creating beneficial peaceful behavior.  When we find this line, we calm down, we have patience knowing life is molding into form our place in the world. We come to see we are all one, a part of the human race.  No greater or lesser than anyone on earth.  Anger has its place, and it is not anger's place to take up permanent residence in your mind, if it does, it can cause bodily harm, stress, sickness, ongoing anxiety.

Anger is a call to action.

Anger is a wake up, a call to change, what change? You decide.  This one thing for sure, the change has to be examined, is it you that needs to change or you that needs to bring the call to change to the attention of others?

Whichever you decide it is, the motivation for the change that will determine the behavior you display. Remember you can catch more flies with honey, than vinegar. Now proceed if your motivation is for positive change, proceed in peace.

Thankful to be learning to watch my words and how I say them, I may never be perfect but at least I'm becoming aware. I want peace on earth.  It begins inside my mind. It is a daily endeavor.

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