Friday, January 4, 2019

Try This Next Gift Giving Occasion, It Benefits All

This last year has been a year of decluttering my life of things and people that serve no positive purpose in my life.  You know the ones you feel obligated to but don't give back to you?  Not just speaking of material gifts, these are good, but reciprocate in thought and conversation both ways, not just a conversation about them.  In the process of realizing I can surround my life with positive, uplifting, centered people, moving forward in thought and action, I released a pressure in my mind.

As I released this pressure I found letting go of many, many, objects in the house, including excess glasses, pot, pans, dolls, art supplies, crafts, furniture, etc. freed me of the heaviness of a cluttered environment. 

The laugh was on me when I also found Christmas gifts I bought for others but never sent to my family, so I wrapped these and sent them off this year.  When I shared this action with my friends, on New Year's Eve some of my guests showed up with their own recycled gifts for me!  It was hilarious. The guest openly told me this was theirs and they never use it and thought I would like it!  And I did! We laughed and laughed as each recycled item was presented.

Our own son made me laugh out loud when he wrapped my lost Nook tablet and gave it to me.  His gift? He found it! 

Gotta love this family, heart and laughter was our gift to each other with friends and good food this holiday season. Thankful for a great family and friends to share holidays with, always thankful to continue to grow and change for the better. Life is good and getting better every day.

Image result for declutterin attic

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