Sunday, January 6, 2019

You Can Subdue An Education to A Youngster's Mind, But You Can't Stop Technology

In reading that Google and other techie companies are being "bought" by foreign sovereignty to stop free information from coming into their countries. The only way to keep any mind in a prison is to brainwash a child, withhold information and truth. A child has no outside point of reference except the one the family, the culture, the religion, and the government gives them.  Yikes! This includes religions, all of them.

When you read books in print that have not been revised by an enemy of the book you get a closer look at the truth of any religion, culture, or government.  When you read many books on the same subject you get a clearer view of the inner thinking of the people involved.

And so I read. When I read I see my own bias, (That was ingrained in me when very young, birth to seven years old in particular) for this was the age all of us were brainwashed most.  The ages 0-7 years old, we were taking in more information than a computer.  It is not until we developed cognitive thinking, (Which science is finding is developed up through 25-30 years old) that we begin to depart from thoughts we were taught that do not make reasonable sense.

This questioning AND experience brings us closer to all truth. The bottom line is the most important activity any of us were ever taught was HOW TO READ.  Public school taught me this best.  The love of truth came from my father, the will to continue to fight my own mind to find it came from myself.  The care for all people regardless of color came from my mother.

In the end we all have to make peace with self, society, family, or we will not choose to make peace with these.  We will decide at some point how to handle this for our survival. 

When the pain inside is great enough, we have a "Why."  Then and only then will we find a way to change.  The "How" will come to mind. My pain was great, I had migraines, insane thoughts, resentment and arrogance, but it took me a deeper look inside to discover my remedy.  The journey within came from getting outside information, new information, and unlearning most of what I was taught as a child.  My core values were good, that came from my parents, but the lack of "How to live life with love for myself and all others" was very confusing causing me to self-destruct until I stopped.

So I am thankful for technology that will bring outside information to countries, to governments, to the subjects of royalty that is causing the people to live in poverty and fear.  In time the people will know what they don't know and find the "How" to inner peace that will spread outward to the world.   

No more brainwashing children and people of the world by preventing information to be available to them. Those that are motivated first, by self interest, greed, power, titles, and position will always cause harm to others. The Bible calls these individuals, “Drunk with power.” Although I am not religious I like the expressions in the Bible to describe some human characteristics.  Peace has boundaries to prevent a violent society, a government, a family, individual or religion that does not promote safety and freedom for individuals.  But the only peace that truly lasts is inside of you. This peace can never be taken away. If peace is to be, it begins with me.

Image result for peace begins with me byron katie quotes

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