Thursday, August 31, 2017

I don't know..see another Gristmill run by slaves or Kykuit?

Kykuit it is.  John D. Rockefeller oil tycoon.  The palisades and Hudson River were the shining star for the view.  House very traditional and not overdone.  Art work mostly beautiful statues and modern and abstract. Gardens and terraces were beautiful. Lovely afternoon, this house after a self guided tour of Sleepy Hollow cemetery.

The cemetery has interesting final residents and it was fun to go on a scavenger hunt to find each one. Washington Irving did well. Years agoI bought a copy of Sleepy Hollow illustrated signed by the artist Will Moses for the children to keep as an heirloom. Yes I bought three.

This one of the walkways on the Kykuit estate. By the way that sculpture at the end is made out of pink granite. (An inside joke) 😁

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Creating Without Sharing with the World is a Waste of God Given Talent

Your talent is your love of doing something.  This is as natural as breathing and it may be something you do not even see as valuable because you do it so easily.  This natural talent can bring you peace, may bring you monetary gains but whatever it is share it so that others may benefit from your life.

Your life is a gift to the world, share it.

Soulmate, Is there Only One?

No. We all connect with many different people on many levels at different times in our life. This is why people divorce when they believe they grew and their mate did not, there are irreconcilable differences they claim.

You decide who you go through this life with and although it is true we change at different times sometimes, it does not mean you have to trade in your current significant other for another that is more evolved. Maybe he/she has evolved in a different area than you and you could share this if you communicated more and listened to the other one, really listened.

Compromise is absolutely necessary for two people to live together a lifetime. Only you can decide what you are willing to give or give up to be with another. Choose wisely, your lifetime of happiness depends on it. Know yourself.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How The World Shuts Down Individual Creativity

Can you name what you like to do?  A creative activity, that stirs the imagination, like writing poetry, rhyming lyrics, inventing a song, making a sculpture, a new quilt design, building something, designing a computer program, creating music, designing art through welding, sew a new design garment, using critical thinking skills to solve your own problems, something that you came up with, you created the answer, another option to explore to fix a problem in your life. Not do for fun, like hiking or surfing but CREATE, that lets your imagination fly and makes you feel as if you have accomplished something that you alone has accomplished?

Too many people have decided there is no creativity in them and therefore can't do this.  This kind of shut down thinking is why we do not get to live life to the fullest potential.  Much of this shut down comes from childhood experiences, environment and imitating what we saw there. We need to root out this limited thinking because in us is the unlimited potential that created this earth.  Powerful thinking is available in us now, we need to access it.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Are you Living Someone Else's lIfe?

Years ago working as a dental assistant for an oral surgeon in New Jersey I learned a lesson from the the doctor.  Every morning I would arrive at the office excited to work in oral surgery again. Interesting, for sure!  No two people had the same wisdom tooth, bone structure, or problem that made the doctor's education so vital for a positive outcome.

Some mornings after I had been there for a couple of weeks I  would hear the doctor behind his closed office door cussing loudly.  AT first I thought he was with someone, then later I thought he was on the phone, but eventually he would open the door and come out with a smile and move through his day.  He made  a lot of money and he had a lifestyle that included vacations, homes, a trophy wife,  kids, cars, boats, everything, I thought he had the perfect life. A life that I thought even I would enjoy if I had it. I always wanted to be a dentist.  (My poor grades,ADHD, and lack of support to find me the help I need from family, would not make that possible and there was no diagnosis or help for me in school 50 years ago.)  So I thought this guy was lucky indeed!

After working there a few months and hearing this ritual the doctor went through every couple of weeks I decided to ask him why he did this?

He told me, "I hate this life I'm living! My father wanted me to be a doctor, so I became a doctor, my father wanted me to have lots of material things so I do, my father wanted me to stay near home, so I have, I have everything but my freedom!  I'm so deep in debt to my education and my office equipment I'll never get out of here in time to live life  on my terms.  That guy pumping gas down on the corner does not know how lucky he is!  I'd trade places with him in a minute to live his simple life free from all this responsibility and debt!"

I said, "What can you do to change your life now?"

He said, "I have no idea."

This man thought more about the things he did not like than he did about how to change things, how to get out of this life he lives, but hates.  And that is why he had no ideas.  If you think about what you want more than what you don't want you will come up with ideas to change your life.

I think we all need to give ourself permission to go after something different and then follow through with the inspiration that unlocks the door to this freedom we desire.  It may not be immediate freedom but with time and focus it can happen in a couple of years if we don't lose focus.

How To Move Passed Depression

Move forward, think different thoughts and make plans to move to another state or country, make new friends that are not poisonous to be around in action or conversation.  Work at controlling your mind and moving in the direction of freedom from the hurt or anger you feel now. You can and will find this freedom if you are willing to make a move in that direction.

First you identify where the hurt that is causing your anger is coming from.  Is it your family? Move away. Is it your job? Get another one.  Is it your debt? Invent ways of cutting back on your spending and save to pay off the debt.  Need more money? Get a better paying job, if this is not possible where you live...Work additional hours and a second or third job to make more money.

Focus on your freedom.  As you move outside of the routine you live that obviously is not making you happy everyday to get up and do it one more day...your mind does a miraculous thing... You will think of new ways to live. The only thing that can stop you is you.

Controlling your mind is the easiest and hardest thing to do, you choose. You will live the life you think about, ask any winner!

Knowing When the other Person is Right for You

Conversation and communication without sexual relations is first.  Become friends, go for walks together, go out to dinner, go on hikes, discuss philosophies on life, see if you two are on the same track in life.  People who have no intention of having a happy and long life with another can go from person to person with no strings attached.  If you want a long and happy life you start out slow, and build a relationship.

The lists is as follows:

1) Is the other person free from being pinned down in their own life?

2) Is the other person free from financial debt accumulated before she/he met you?

3) Is the other person coming with strings attached to an obligation she/he made before you?

4) Is the other person upbeat and happy most of the time?

5) Does the other person have a positive outlook on her/his dreams and look forward to seeing these come true?

6) Is the other person willing to work for the life they want alongside of you?

7) Is the other person emotional independent of you and stable in logic, reasonable in compromise?

8) Is the other person able to support you on your journey and you are able to support her/him equally?

9) Are both of you willing to let each other "Be" the person she/he wants to be without making demands that go against the other?

10) Yes, the last can be you want someone clean, good -looking, sharp in mind and appearance, like you.

This is the bottom line, if you are not all of these things, you will be looking for someone to get what you lack now.  Time to work on yourself to get free and then attract someone like you.

There will be plenty of unknowns, plenty of unforeseen, plenty of obstacles that will arise as you live life and try to make the best of all situations in life even with the best choice of mate, but at least you will start out with someone that can roll with life's punches, like you, and never give up on the relationship.  First you both must be free.


The day of the eclipse was an amazing day. We met some fun new people from all over. We set up in Spring City TN in a Veteran's Park.  The entire park probably had 1000 people but about 200 were in the field with us, plenty of room.  Sweetheart's homemade solar reflector was a conversation piece and everyone wanted to see it. Many took pictures of the reflector as the moon passed in front of the sun.

The entire trip was so much fun, from sleeping in the car at a Pilot travel center to spending a night in the motel then traveling to Dollywood to find Dolly Parton's childhood home.  Seeing the Smokie Mountains is truly breathtaking to behold and to get a sense of where Dolly grew up and see that she made it to stardom, built a city around her hometown for her family and other mountain folk to have employment is something to think about.  She is an entertainer with heart.  She now owns two homes in TN, one in the original Pigeon Forge, and the other a mansion, a few miles away.

She had motivation, confidence, and talent.  Real talent with confidence moves mountains and Dolly did. I wondered how much longer that town and Dollywood would continue after she is gone? Do people care enough about country music to keep visiting there? One thing I have discovered about DP, she will keep reinventing herself to keep working.  She says, "At this point in her life it is no longer about the money, it is about the writing the music and using her creative ideas to continue to work." Working makes her happiest.

After closer research of DP, I see she always believed in her dreams and went in that direction every single day till she arrived where she dreamed. When asked if she ever doubted herself, she quickly replies, "No, I never did."

How much further would we all be if we went in  the direction of our dreams and never doubted we would get there, and never gave up until we did?

Thursday, August 24, 2017

When the Sun Goes Down

To see the eclipse and hear the crowd yipping and yelping was a surprise to me.  But the change in cooler temperatures and the insects that began to sing when the eclipse was full was educational.
We use to wonder if insects do things by instincts or what they see.  It seems they began night time sounds on que to the sun setting.  When the sun came out again, they quieted down.

When the solar eclipse was photographed by my Sweetheart in this diamond ring effect my husband showed me the picture and said "He was giving me another diamond ring."

Nature so wonderful to discover and the Smokie Mountains so peaceful, like the residents of Spring City, TN. Road trip with my love another success.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I was A Celebrity and I did not Know it!

Sweetheart and I went to Spring City, TN to see the eclipse. As I enjoyed meeting these wonderful mountain folks, so friendly and welcoming...

I sat and talked with a local yocal vender at her table.  As we talked she eventually asked where I was from and I said "Upstate New York, near the capitol Albany."

A nearby lady sitting with her goods at the next table came over and said, "Did you say you were from New York?"

Me: "Yes."

She said, "I've lived in these mountains my entire life and I always wanted to meet a person from New York! Glad to meet you!"

Me: "The same to you, thank you for having this viewing for all of us to be here."

She was telling people, "That lady is from New York!"

Obviously this must have been a check off her bucket list, (she was older than me) so I did not have the heart to tell her I was born and raised in North Carolina, I just married a "damn Yankee.

So this is what a celebrity feels like, I like to be first without trying! 😆

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Homestead Act Community

It's no secret my Sweetheart loves astronomy. A novice but a well researched one, he built a solar eclipse scope and bought lenses to put over camera at the eclipse.  We made our way down here to TN and spent the day hiking at Cumberland State Park and toured the Homestead Museum, one of the communities selected in the New Deal Act by FDR.  I always wanted to visit Arthursville in WV but as usual stumbled upon this one by accident in route to do something else. So exciting! Another check off the bucket list. Met a lady who lives in one of the homestead homes built and we exchanged info to connect later.

We climbed the tower at the museum.  So much fun hanging out with my sweetheart.  There is life after kids and we are dating and traveling like newlyweds again.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Reason None of Us Thinks Exactly the Same

Each of us is born with specific 5 senses' likes and dislikes.  Our tongues have tastes that differ, example for years my husband and I had completely different opinions of what taste good and what does not.  It took years of living and reading about the 5 senses and how each developed to see that science has studies that prove some tongues prefer bitter taste while others prefer sweet or salty.  The taste buds on the tongue are more or less in abundance along with the olfactory organs in the nose.

Touch is more sensitive in some individuals, less in others, making touch either enjoyable or prefer not to be touched.  Color is seen different too.  I have taught art classes where chartreuse seems to be green to some students and blue to others. So these slight differences can make you believe your way is "the only RIGHT way" of reality.

These slight differences along with a closed mind to new information can even make a person argue. We have got to realize the details are not as important as the big picture.  The big picture in America is peaceful actions with freedom of speech.  This country has a sense of order called the "law." Change will come but it must come through peaceful voice and persistence.

Wisdom of age teaches us all, you do not have to be the center of attention.  It is wisdom to let others shine.  Wisdom teaches I do not have to be "RIGHT" all the time and let everyone know it.  There is a peace in knowing myself.  It is ok to be happy, settle down, live with thankfulness.  We do not have to be in a fight everyday of this life.  Too stressful to live years like this.  Namaste.

Friday, August 18, 2017

And the comments revealed a lot!

As I worked today I spoke to different people about going to see the eclipse with my Sweetheart. The responses:

1) Really how did you get a hotel room? They are expensive and sold out, I hope you got one already if you didn't you won't find one now.

2) Millions of people will be on the roads, no thanks!

3) I have so many troubles in my life I'm going to Cape Cod for a week's vacation starting tomorrow.

4) I wish I could go with you.

5) Take a video I want to see it when you return.

6) Cool!

7) (One of my husband's clients) "And" my favorite: "Yes I will be going in my plane flying above the clouds to see it! (He has a company in North Carolina)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Celebrating the Eclipse, It's a Wonderful Life!

Sweetheart and I are going out to chase a place to see the eclipse. He has been building a solar eclipse projector with a cardboard tube and binoculars.  This anniversary we are "lassoing the moon."  This homemade telescope,a portable potty, cat in pet spa, and we are off soon.

Love a road trip with my best friend, this is always fun.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Marriage is an Invasion

Marriage is really an invasion on the privacy of the other.  I guess it depends on the person but I really don't like people in my space unless I invite them.  Even though we are married I wanted my space, my privacy, my time alone, my things not to be touched, but he did not care about my privacy or his.  He wanted to be in the middle of everything to do with me.

This at first made me angry but in time I learned he meant no harm and in time he learned to respect my space, my time alone, or at least some of it.  I cannot know or speak of all men but this man is eccentric.  He thinks out of the box and does things most of us don't think about like whittle me a whirlybird out of a tree branch when we were separately on a survival solo for three days in the wintry woods.  He later told me he thought about me the entire time and wondered if I was alright.

Strange things like I was lost down by the Hudson River one night and I had a phone so I called him to tell him I was lost but not to worry I had found a  hollow tree trunk and would find my way home in the morning.  He insisted he would not sleep that night in the warm cozy bed knowing I was out in the cold weather by the river so he set out to find me telling me to look up at the north star and tell him to go left or right until yes, an hour and a half later he found me in the swamp and led me out of the dark through water back to our warm house. Once home he got a warm shower ready for me to warm up.

When we were first married, he missed me when I was out running on a winter morn...I had become so nauseous I had to stop and lie down in the snow making me later than usual getting home and he went out to find me sick by the road, brought me home in the car and made a warm bath for me to warm up.  I was pregnant and did not know it.  He comforted me.

Or the time he rented a biofeedback machine and sat by my bed telling me a calming story of walking on the beach to try to rid me of my debilitating migraine when drugs did not work.  This did not work but he tried to make me comfortable.  Or the many ice packs he made and put on my brow each time I suffered a migraine again.

Yeah he has been a much needed invasion in my life to teach me what true love is.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Yes an old married couple...

Sweetheart and I went to an outdoor play at Washington Park. At intermission it was raining and the play was called.  The next night we planned to go but rain again so no play at all. The third night Sweetheart said "Let's go for the second half.  I'll grab a bottle of wine and some crackers and cheese and we can relax and enjoy the evening."  Me: 'Ok."

So Sweetheart rushes home gets picnic snacks, wine, and off we go to the park.  We arrive to see there is no play this night. We check online cell phone and see the play runs Tuesday through Saturday, this was Sunday.  So we switch gears decide to go to the drive in.  What the heck, might as well.

Nut Job 2 a children's film was first, so we parked at theater, turned radio to Howard Stern to listen to a John Mellencamp interview while we waited for the second film, "The Mummy" with Tom Cruise. So there we are, Moscato wine in a coffee cup, pub cheese and crackers.  We laughed as we remembered how young males like drive ins to neck with their girl and I told Sweetheart, I wonder how many young girls like me were surprised at the boy's motives as I was there only to watch a movie.

So we necked for two seconds, said,"Glad that is out of the way, pass the moscato, and don't be stengy with the pub cheese on my next cracker!"

Monday, August 14, 2017

So I thought I knew Something True about Every Married Woman, turns out I did not!

Visiting Indian Ladder Trail last week I met a lovely woman who was very gregarious and open.  Fun conversationalist, we had a chat for a half hour or so while she was waiting for her husband of 54 years and her 17 y o granddaughter to meet her at the top, at the new visitor's center.  Her enthusiasm for life and family was refreshing.

She talked of hiking the ILT in the winter ice decades ago with a broken leg, cross country skiing across the road, now she travels to see family from Seattle, WA to Hawaii while living in upstate NY. She said all her relatives are gone now but her husband has a family reunion every year and he has 8 siblings so the reunion has around 100 attendants every year. All these years later they still get together for a reunion that lasts a week up here.  They do things together all week before returning back to their homes in other states.  Sounds wonderful to be connected to your folks like this.

In our conversation I asked, the secret to your long marriage is?  She said, "Communication, talk everything out, and see things from the other one's point of view and compromise."

Here's where I thought I knew something about every marriage... I said, "Every marriage has ups and downs and times you want to throw in the towel, and she answered...

"We have had ups and downs but I never wanted to end the marriage. I knew we would work it out and get through hard times together."

Surprised, I learned something new today, everyone does not think of divorce in hard times. Maybe her positive attitude and confidence in her choice to get married is foundational.

I, personally always stayed through hard times in our marriage because I knew I could get divorced if I really wanted to. Knowing I had this freedom gave me gumption to try one more time.

So next week is 39 years and counting.  Every year I learn more about him, me, and us. And we watch and listen to others in their marriage as we travel and realize we have it good.  (We have a lot more laughter, and lot less yelling, compromise is an art we have developed.)

This beautiful lady continued, "She was cleaning out the garage and decided to get rid of the cross country skis, I'm not going to do that again, I play golf with my husband now and we walk a lot. Hiking and strenuous sports activities are not for us now."

It was a pleasure to meet his vivacious and energetic lady. Her age?  82 y o.

What a great attitude and open heart.  I would like to be that upbeat and athletic at her age, she did not look a day over 73.  Her positive attitude was infectious and a close family that is a gift.

And I learned I am not always right again.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

What is that One Thing?

In City Slickers Curly puts his finger up and says "That one thing" and everyone including Billy Crystal says, "What is it?"

That one thing is your "natural ability" that is fun.  What one thing makes you happy and excited to get up every day?  So many people have multiple things they enjoy and it makes it harder to pick "That one thing."

That one thing coupled with what you prefer, crowds or being alone?  I'm not talking about loneliness, I'm talking about truly enjoy doing your own thing by yourself and sometimes with one other person, maybe your best friend, maybe your significant other, maybe your animal pet.

And how much do you want to be responsible for, manage, and do?  I wanted a home, family with children and a heart love, my husband.  My best friend.  The more you want, the more you have to give of your time, selflessness, kindness, and compromise in relationships.

The more material things you want, the more money you both need to make to have that vacation, travel, that chalet, that car(s), motorcycle, pool, boat, etc.  The more you both work the less time you have with the children and family.

I chose a marriage, a close knit family, a house.  I chose to be a mother and wife, I love this life choice.  Time with children and spouse are the most valuable bank I will ever make a deposit in with the greatest returns.  We get one chance with the children, one, we made them a priority, we never regret it.  The rest is just details.

Now the children are off on their own adventures we are back to just two.  Now I want to rest, being present, thankful for everything good, be kind to everyone I meet, help if asked, accepting I don't control the world, nor do I have to.  I control only my thoughts and actions and that is enough.  Peace within, peace I give.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

How can we help the world of women?

By purchasing products made in countries where women are working together to make money for the basics, food, shelter, and education for their family.

Here is one site I am ordering from today.  Maybe you would like to help women here too.

Great jackets and scarves.

Who do you think are the Luckiest People?

Barbara Streisand used to sing a song in which she says, the luckiest people in the world are "People who need people."  Maybe it was appropo for the album or movie but it was words in a song.

The luckiest people in the world to me are those who have good health, boundaries, self respect, good work ethic, kind intentions to all and actually "KNOW" what they want to do with their life. How much are these are born or developed?

What do you think the luckiest people have as characteristics and how are these obtained?


Thursday, August 10, 2017

And then there was two...

Daniel Mcfadden and Moke Moke McGillacutty are the two cats now.  Daniel is on hyperthyroid meds for the rest of his life and Moke Moke is 6 y o and healthy.  Thank goodness for these dear little people in fur coats.  Each as precious and loving as our last cat.

Loving what is.

How Long Is a Reasonable Time to Grieve a Death?

Death of a person, death of an animal, death of a career, death of a body part, all these deaths, how long is a reasonable time to grieve a death?

As long as you need, the rest of your life, as much time as you need, no one can determine this but you.  Dysfunctional grieving is when you can no longer live the daily activities of life.  As long as you can do what you need to do to live your life, you can grieve in your private silent moments.

No one can tell you to get over it and life goes on as if this the answer.  It is better to be present and silent offering anything you can do or give to make things easier for the bereaved.  If you cannot offer this, then it is better you don't speak.  Anything else is callous, you do not know what grief feels like for another person because you lost the same thing in your past. To be tenderhearted and nurturing, truly caring for the other person is the kind thing to do.

Let others be.  We do not know what is reasonable for another person because it is reasonable for me.

Baby Coot

We petted him as he lay on the table and he purred slightly but not like before this mouth cancer. I watched as he was injected with the overdose of anesthesia that the vet assured me would be pain free as he died. Our daughter sang a song my mother-in-law use to sing to our babies, "You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are blue, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."to Baby Coot before the vet came in.

I looked directly in his face as the fluid was given and I saw no difference in his eyes as his life was ended.  I thought I would see a difference but I did not so I cannot say I know exactly when he went to sleep forever.

He was put in the cardboard casket by the vet in the curled position he always slept in. Sweetheart was home digging a grave for him beside our other cat, Willma.  We played songs on our phones as we said our last words to this wonderful, kind, creature that shared his perfect love with us for a while.  We are so thankful to have this cat for 15 years, Baby Coot, that's what Sweetheart called him sometimes.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Dark but Familiar Silhouette Came Strolling Down the Driveway

Whenever I have a lot on my mind I walk our driveway. I returned home after an early morning drive and walked the driveway as I thought about the rest of my day.  Today at 2 we are putting Baby cat down.  He cannot eat. He cannot drink water.  He is surviving because of meds.  Pain meds prevent him from feeling the pain of his mouth cancer, so I walk.

I did not announce I was home when I drove in the driveway, I just got out of the car and started walking.  I walked contemplating the day, thinking about my husband who would finally agree to the euthanization he believes is morally wrong.  I thought about this cat that I love and how I will miss him.

As I walk silently up and down the driveway I see a familiar figure coming towards me like he has so many times before, silently without asking permission he joins me, barefoot, walking beside me after a kiss with no words. He knows today is the day too.

I Believed my thoughts...

and I am sad.

Tomorrow we put our Baby cat down.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Juana Ines de la Cruz: Poet of 1600's (Nun) in Mexico

You Men (English)

    Silly, you men-so very adept
at wrongly faulting womankind,
not seeing you alone to blame
for faults you plant in woman's mind.

    After you've won by urgent plea
the right to tarnish her good name,
you still expect her to behave--
you, that coaxed her into shame.

    You batter her resistance down
and then, all righteousness, proclaim
that feminine frivolity,
not your persistence, is to blame.

    When it comes to bravely posturing,
your witlessness must take the prize:
you're the child that makes Bogeyman,
And then recoils in fear and cries.

    Presumptuous beyond belief,
you'd have the woman you pursue
Thais when you're courting her,
Lucretia once she falls to you.

    For plain default of common sense,
could any action be so queer
oneself to cloud the mirror,
then complain that it's not clear?

    Whether you're favored or disdained,
nothing can leave you satisfied.
You whimper if you're turned away,
you sneer if you've been gratified.

    With you, no woman can hope to score;
Whichever way, she's bound to lose;
Spurning you, she's ungrateful--
succumbing, you call her lewd.

    Your folly is always the same:
you apply a single rule
to the one you accuse of looseness
and the one you brand as cruel.

    What is the meaning of the word
for the woman who catches your eye,
if, unresponsive, she offends,
yet whose complaisance you decry?

    Still, whether it's torment or anger--
and both ways you've yourselves to blame--
God bless the woman who will not have you,
no matter how loud you complain.

S your persistent entreaties that change her from timid to bold.
Having made her so naughty,
you would have her good gold.

    So where does the greater guilt lie be
that it should not be:
with the man who pleads out of baseness
or the woman debased by his plea?

    Or what is more to be blamed -
though both will have cause for chagrin:
the woman who sins for money
or the man who pays money to sin?

    So you are all men so stunned
at the thought you're all guilty alike?
I like them for you
Make them or make them like you.

    If you'd give up pursuing them,
you'd discover, without a doubt,
you've got a stronger case to make
against those who seek you out.

    I well know what powerful arms
you wield in pressing for evil:
your arrogance is allied
with the world, the flesh, and the devil!

Wow, I can hardly believe she lived in the 1600s with such a strong written voice on feminism.  She managed to outwit the religious men trying to silence her through debates and writings.  She did get her works published thanks to her secular female friend, (the wife of the Viceroy). A voice for women explaining the folly of religious roles imposed on women. I concur completely.  


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Nameless Farmer

Whenever I don't "feel" like doing something I know I should do I think of this farmer.

A woman I knew that was educated and raised on a farm told me of her father.  This man worked the farm from 4 am till it was time to drive a school bus for the morning.  Then he would return home, work plowing the fields and planting, stop after lunch, go back to the bus to take the kids home. Return home to the farm and work till 9 pm, go to bed, get up again the next day and do it all over every year of his life.

One by one each child left the farm and went to college to find their own life and never returned to the farm.  The discipline of this simple life this farmer lived never veering from his duty and care has always inspired me.  He did not do it for great monetary gain because there was none.  He did it because it was all he knew to do to live and provide.

Maybe his kids had other opportunities because of his hard work, but they learned how to work hard for what they wanted away from the farm because of his example.

One thing I have always known, I do not run on feelings, I get up and move because it is the right thing to do.  This world does not owe me, I owe to myself to become the "me" I want to be. To do this I have to move forward.  I think of this nameless farmer whenever I do not want to get out of bed on a work day and I am thankful. Married to a  former farm boy, I see his work ethic is sterling. When something needs to be done, he moves.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Bathtime for A Sweet Kitty

After days of a sick kitty not being able to clean himself, a bath is in order.  This cat loved to sit and groom himself every day.  He is a beautiful cat and he knows it.  I call him, "My Dapper Gentleman."

It must be bothering him that he cannot keep himself clean...he can't use his tongue because of a tumor under it.  He had lost his appetite except for wild game.  So for now we are getting birds for him.

This hospice for a cat is hard for me.  My Sweetheart is devoted to the care and feeding of this cat.  If I ever end up in Hospice, I know my husband will take good care of me... watching him take such gentle and constant care is another side of him I had not seen before.  39 years this month and I learn more about this gentle soul every year.


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Hunting for Roadkill

Baby will only eat fresh killed mouse, bird, and chipmunk.  So we decided to go out hunting for roadkill.  Opossum, raccoon, skunk, I don't think Baby would like these, I don't know why but I wasn't going to take such a huge animal home, dissect it to bite size pieces to find Baby does not want it.  Would you?

So we got out Sweetheart's childhood pellet gun and went hunting for a bird.  You would think, a bird? Why they are everywhere you live in the woods walk out and get one.  So he walked out in the woods and there were no birds or animals to be seen at 4PM.  Birds?  Look up.  We looked nd looked and no birds.  We determined to go to an open field out in the back roads of Selkirk.  We went, we waited, no birds.

We found cattails and swamp. A couple of birds flew up and he shot his pellet gun and missed.  We traveled until we found more, he shot and missed again and again. Now he thinks he needs glasses to line up the sights on the gun.  Good grief, let's set some mouse traps back at the house and call it a day but wait, what do I see?  Lobster Thermidor at Jake Moon's Cafe?

Turned in bought Thermidor dinner for me and a clam bake dinner for Sweetheart, and went home to try sharing this with Baby cat.  Baby 's not liking this either.  Get out the mouse traps...

Cat Daddy

He goes to the store daily looking for something new to try for Baby cat to eat.  He gives him the pain meds and antibiotics daily sometimes two or three times a day. He tries to get him to drink anything, he checks on him, separates him at night with his own litter box so he can sleep without other cats bothering him. He bathes him with damp cloth daily, makes sure his bedding, litter box, food bowls, water bowls are clean.  He does everything possible including searching the web for new ideas to keep this cat comfortable and alive. He loves this cat.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Baby Cat in Hospice Care

Baby food, chicken and liver, turkey and gravy, Pro Plan chicken and liver, dog food lamb stew with gravy, Recovery R, special vet food for cats to gain weight, Friskies chicken, Nutritional gel in a tube for cats, add water, Nutritional puree for cats, Science diet liver pate, Ensure original flavor, light cream, ice cream, chicken breast, sirloin, filet mignon, fish, and yesterday a baby bottle of watered down baby food, nothing appeals to Baby cat however if one of his brother cats have fresh kill mouse, bird, chipmunk, and Mom, Dad, or second son can put them in the house, he devours the fresh meat like he hasn't eaten in days...he hasn't.

Wanting to get him to eat more, the cats don't hunt and kill everyday, we search the road for roadkill, hopefully not too mashed up to bring home but found none.  So we are putting the bird feeder back up in hopes to attract squirrels for Baby.  Hate to say it, but we want to help this cat live...we are thinking of killing one of the birds we love so much, (the ones that we wait all spring to see them turn new colors before we take down the feeders...) that are returning to the feeders now.

Wow. Never thought of killing bird, but to help our cat live we may. We bought frozen mouse from pet store. (These are sold to feed snakes)  Baby enjoyed batting it around but had no interest in eating the dang thing. So we keep medicating, petting, lovingly sitting with the darling cat hoping for a miracle that may never come...but we try. I'm not positive but I think I heard Baby say, "Frozen foods are not as good as fresh know that Mom."