Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Yes an old married couple...

Sweetheart and I went to an outdoor play at Washington Park. At intermission it was raining and the play was called.  The next night we planned to go but rain again so no play at all. The third night Sweetheart said "Let's go for the second half.  I'll grab a bottle of wine and some crackers and cheese and we can relax and enjoy the evening."  Me: 'Ok."

So Sweetheart rushes home gets picnic snacks, wine, and off we go to the park.  We arrive to see there is no play this night. We check online cell phone and see the play runs Tuesday through Saturday, this was Sunday.  So we switch gears decide to go to the drive in.  What the heck, might as well.

Nut Job 2 a children's film was first, so we parked at theater, turned radio to Howard Stern to listen to a John Mellencamp interview while we waited for the second film, "The Mummy" with Tom Cruise. So there we are, Moscato wine in a coffee cup, pub cheese and crackers.  We laughed as we remembered how young males like drive ins to neck with their girl and I told Sweetheart, I wonder how many young girls like me were surprised at the boy's motives as I was there only to watch a movie.

So we necked for two seconds, said,"Glad that is out of the way, pass the moscato, and don't be stengy with the pub cheese on my next cracker!"

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