Wednesday, August 23, 2017

I was A Celebrity and I did not Know it!

Sweetheart and I went to Spring City, TN to see the eclipse. As I enjoyed meeting these wonderful mountain folks, so friendly and welcoming...

I sat and talked with a local yocal vender at her table.  As we talked she eventually asked where I was from and I said "Upstate New York, near the capitol Albany."

A nearby lady sitting with her goods at the next table came over and said, "Did you say you were from New York?"

Me: "Yes."

She said, "I've lived in these mountains my entire life and I always wanted to meet a person from New York! Glad to meet you!"

Me: "The same to you, thank you for having this viewing for all of us to be here."

She was telling people, "That lady is from New York!"

Obviously this must have been a check off her bucket list, (she was older than me) so I did not have the heart to tell her I was born and raised in North Carolina, I just married a "damn Yankee.

So this is what a celebrity feels like, I like to be first without trying! 😆

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