Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Baby Cat in Hospice Care

Baby food, chicken and liver, turkey and gravy, Pro Plan chicken and liver, dog food lamb stew with gravy, Recovery R, special vet food for cats to gain weight, Friskies chicken, Nutritional gel in a tube for cats, add water, Nutritional puree for cats, Science diet liver pate, Ensure original flavor, light cream, ice cream, chicken breast, sirloin, filet mignon, fish, and yesterday a baby bottle of watered down baby food, nothing appeals to Baby cat however if one of his brother cats have fresh kill mouse, bird, chipmunk, and Mom, Dad, or second son can put them in the house, he devours the fresh meat like he hasn't eaten in days...he hasn't.

Wanting to get him to eat more, the cats don't hunt and kill everyday, we search the road for roadkill, hopefully not too mashed up to bring home but found none.  So we are putting the bird feeder back up in hopes to attract squirrels for Baby.  Hate to say it, but we want to help this cat live...we are thinking of killing one of the birds we love so much, (the ones that we wait all spring to see them turn new colors before we take down the feeders...) that are returning to the feeders now.

Wow. Never thought of killing bird, but to help our cat live we may. We bought frozen mouse from pet store. (These are sold to feed snakes)  Baby enjoyed batting it around but had no interest in eating the dang thing. So we keep medicating, petting, lovingly sitting with the darling cat hoping for a miracle that may never come...but we try. I'm not positive but I think I heard Baby say, "Frozen foods are not as good as fresh know that Mom."

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