Thursday, August 10, 2017

Baby Coot

We petted him as he lay on the table and he purred slightly but not like before this mouth cancer. I watched as he was injected with the overdose of anesthesia that the vet assured me would be pain free as he died. Our daughter sang a song my mother-in-law use to sing to our babies, "You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are blue, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."to Baby Coot before the vet came in.

I looked directly in his face as the fluid was given and I saw no difference in his eyes as his life was ended.  I thought I would see a difference but I did not so I cannot say I know exactly when he went to sleep forever.

He was put in the cardboard casket by the vet in the curled position he always slept in. Sweetheart was home digging a grave for him beside our other cat, Willma.  We played songs on our phones as we said our last words to this wonderful, kind, creature that shared his perfect love with us for a while.  We are so thankful to have this cat for 15 years, Baby Coot, that's what Sweetheart called him sometimes.

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