Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Reason None of Us Thinks Exactly the Same

Each of us is born with specific 5 senses' likes and dislikes.  Our tongues have tastes that differ, example for years my husband and I had completely different opinions of what taste good and what does not.  It took years of living and reading about the 5 senses and how each developed to see that science has studies that prove some tongues prefer bitter taste while others prefer sweet or salty.  The taste buds on the tongue are more or less in abundance along with the olfactory organs in the nose.

Touch is more sensitive in some individuals, less in others, making touch either enjoyable or prefer not to be touched.  Color is seen different too.  I have taught art classes where chartreuse seems to be green to some students and blue to others. So these slight differences can make you believe your way is "the only RIGHT way" of reality.

These slight differences along with a closed mind to new information can even make a person argue. We have got to realize the details are not as important as the big picture.  The big picture in America is peaceful actions with freedom of speech.  This country has a sense of order called the "law." Change will come but it must come through peaceful voice and persistence.

Wisdom of age teaches us all, you do not have to be the center of attention.  It is wisdom to let others shine.  Wisdom teaches I do not have to be "RIGHT" all the time and let everyone know it.  There is a peace in knowing myself.  It is ok to be happy, settle down, live with thankfulness.  We do not have to be in a fight everyday of this life.  Too stressful to live years like this.  Namaste.

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