Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Marriage is an Invasion

Marriage is really an invasion on the privacy of the other.  I guess it depends on the person but I really don't like people in my space unless I invite them.  Even though we are married I wanted my space, my privacy, my time alone, my things not to be touched, but he did not care about my privacy or his.  He wanted to be in the middle of everything to do with me.

This at first made me angry but in time I learned he meant no harm and in time he learned to respect my space, my time alone, or at least some of it.  I cannot know or speak of all men but this man is eccentric.  He thinks out of the box and does things most of us don't think about like whittle me a whirlybird out of a tree branch when we were separately on a survival solo for three days in the wintry woods.  He later told me he thought about me the entire time and wondered if I was alright.

Strange things like I was lost down by the Hudson River one night and I had a phone so I called him to tell him I was lost but not to worry I had found a  hollow tree trunk and would find my way home in the morning.  He insisted he would not sleep that night in the warm cozy bed knowing I was out in the cold weather by the river so he set out to find me telling me to look up at the north star and tell him to go left or right until yes, an hour and a half later he found me in the swamp and led me out of the dark through water back to our warm house. Once home he got a warm shower ready for me to warm up.

When we were first married, he missed me when I was out running on a winter morn...I had become so nauseous I had to stop and lie down in the snow making me later than usual getting home and he went out to find me sick by the road, brought me home in the car and made a warm bath for me to warm up.  I was pregnant and did not know it.  He comforted me.

Or the time he rented a biofeedback machine and sat by my bed telling me a calming story of walking on the beach to try to rid me of my debilitating migraine when drugs did not work.  This did not work but he tried to make me comfortable.  Or the many ice packs he made and put on my brow each time I suffered a migraine again.

Yeah he has been a much needed invasion in my life to teach me what true love is.

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