Sunday, August 27, 2017

Knowing When the other Person is Right for You

Conversation and communication without sexual relations is first.  Become friends, go for walks together, go out to dinner, go on hikes, discuss philosophies on life, see if you two are on the same track in life.  People who have no intention of having a happy and long life with another can go from person to person with no strings attached.  If you want a long and happy life you start out slow, and build a relationship.

The lists is as follows:

1) Is the other person free from being pinned down in their own life?

2) Is the other person free from financial debt accumulated before she/he met you?

3) Is the other person coming with strings attached to an obligation she/he made before you?

4) Is the other person upbeat and happy most of the time?

5) Does the other person have a positive outlook on her/his dreams and look forward to seeing these come true?

6) Is the other person willing to work for the life they want alongside of you?

7) Is the other person emotional independent of you and stable in logic, reasonable in compromise?

8) Is the other person able to support you on your journey and you are able to support her/him equally?

9) Are both of you willing to let each other "Be" the person she/he wants to be without making demands that go against the other?

10) Yes, the last can be you want someone clean, good -looking, sharp in mind and appearance, like you.

This is the bottom line, if you are not all of these things, you will be looking for someone to get what you lack now.  Time to work on yourself to get free and then attract someone like you.

There will be plenty of unknowns, plenty of unforeseen, plenty of obstacles that will arise as you live life and try to make the best of all situations in life even with the best choice of mate, but at least you will start out with someone that can roll with life's punches, like you, and never give up on the relationship.  First you both must be free.

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