Sunday, August 13, 2017

What is that One Thing?

In City Slickers Curly puts his finger up and says "That one thing" and everyone including Billy Crystal says, "What is it?"

That one thing is your "natural ability" that is fun.  What one thing makes you happy and excited to get up every day?  So many people have multiple things they enjoy and it makes it harder to pick "That one thing."

That one thing coupled with what you prefer, crowds or being alone?  I'm not talking about loneliness, I'm talking about truly enjoy doing your own thing by yourself and sometimes with one other person, maybe your best friend, maybe your significant other, maybe your animal pet.

And how much do you want to be responsible for, manage, and do?  I wanted a home, family with children and a heart love, my husband.  My best friend.  The more you want, the more you have to give of your time, selflessness, kindness, and compromise in relationships.

The more material things you want, the more money you both need to make to have that vacation, travel, that chalet, that car(s), motorcycle, pool, boat, etc.  The more you both work the less time you have with the children and family.

I chose a marriage, a close knit family, a house.  I chose to be a mother and wife, I love this life choice.  Time with children and spouse are the most valuable bank I will ever make a deposit in with the greatest returns.  We get one chance with the children, one, we made them a priority, we never regret it.  The rest is just details.

Now the children are off on their own adventures we are back to just two.  Now I want to rest, being present, thankful for everything good, be kind to everyone I meet, help if asked, accepting I don't control the world, nor do I have to.  I control only my thoughts and actions and that is enough.  Peace within, peace I give.


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