Tuesday, August 29, 2017

How The World Shuts Down Individual Creativity

Can you name what you like to do?  A creative activity, that stirs the imagination, like writing poetry, rhyming lyrics, inventing a song, making a sculpture, a new quilt design, building something, designing a computer program, creating music, designing art through welding, sew a new design garment, using critical thinking skills to solve your own problems, something that you came up with, you created the answer, another option to explore to fix a problem in your life. Not do for fun, like hiking or surfing but CREATE, that lets your imagination fly and makes you feel as if you have accomplished something that you alone has accomplished?

Too many people have decided there is no creativity in them and therefore can't do this.  This kind of shut down thinking is why we do not get to live life to the fullest potential.  Much of this shut down comes from childhood experiences, environment and imitating what we saw there. We need to root out this limited thinking because in us is the unlimited potential that created this earth.  Powerful thinking is available in us now, we need to access it.

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