Sunday, August 27, 2017

How To Move Passed Depression

Move forward, think different thoughts and make plans to move to another state or country, make new friends that are not poisonous to be around in action or conversation.  Work at controlling your mind and moving in the direction of freedom from the hurt or anger you feel now. You can and will find this freedom if you are willing to make a move in that direction.

First you identify where the hurt that is causing your anger is coming from.  Is it your family? Move away. Is it your job? Get another one.  Is it your debt? Invent ways of cutting back on your spending and save to pay off the debt.  Need more money? Get a better paying job, if this is not possible where you live...Work additional hours and a second or third job to make more money.

Focus on your freedom.  As you move outside of the routine you live that obviously is not making you happy everyday to get up and do it one more day...your mind does a miraculous thing... You will think of new ways to live. The only thing that can stop you is you.

Controlling your mind is the easiest and hardest thing to do, you choose. You will live the life you think about, ask any winner!

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