Saturday, February 25, 2017

A Walk in the Rain With My Sweetheart

When I was a little girl I loved the rain.  I would walk in the rain every chance I got. My mother did not like me in the rain and said,"Come inside, you will catch your death of cold."  But I loved the rain dripping down my face, cooling me off from the hot southern heat.  The drops on windows were fun to watch trickle down the glass.  The splash of each drop in a puddle.  I loved to wade in the puddles.

Mother finally resorted to scare tactics and told me I could get worms in my feet that would go up my legs from the puddles.  I loved looking at the earthworms that appeared in the puddles from nowhere.  But this scare tactic from Mom did the trick, I did not want worms in my toes.

Years later when I was a teen I would walk in the rain in the woods.  Sticky from hiking, sometimes my clothes would cling to my body soaking wet, an uncomfortable feeling unless I could jump in a creek or river.

Research reveals that "barefoot" seems to be the problem.  Mom was a farm girl and barefoot around animal feces could produce deadly parasites through the bare feet.  Otherwise unless you are in a swamp, jungle, or marsh, it is almost impossible to get a worm from being barefoot but best to not walk in animal feces barefoot.

Today my Sweetheart and went walking on a bike trail to Delmar.  It began to rain, it was getting dark.  I was in a tank top and leggings with hiking boots.  He was in jeans t-shirt and hiking boots.  It began to rain and we turned back to the car.  We walked and walked and it rained harder and harder.  I had my cell phone so I went to YouTube and played Johnny Nash, "I Can See Clearly Now,"  IZ, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow,"  Louis Armstrong, "It's A Wonderful World," as we walked along together.  We did not complain, we did not hurry, we walked, we had about a mile to get back to the car.  Finally it was raining so hard, I decided to put on my fleece coat, (My honey was carrying it for me) to keep my phone from getting wet and the rain out of my eyes.

We walked in silence smiling at the songs I played.  When we arrived at the car we were drenched to the undies.  My Sweetheart said, "That was refreshing!"  I said, "Yes invigorating!"  He said. "That felt great, so nice to enjoy a walk like that once in awhile." I married the right guy.

We both got into the car, turned the heat on and were thankful.  Happy to be here. Simple.

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