Thursday, February 16, 2017

Anger the Unsustainable Fuel

"There is no more stupefying thing than anger, nothing more bent on its own strength.  If successful, none more arrogant, if foiled, none more insane----since it's not driven back by weariness even defeat, when fortune removes its adversary it turns its teeth on itself.  ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca, On Anger,3.1.5

Anger may at first seem to be the perfect catalyst for justice when wronged.  Being called, "Fat" may make you mad enough to get in shape, growing up in poverty may make you angry enough to work to become a millionaire, growing up unnoticed may make you mad enough to become a celebrity, etc. but the fuel of anger will not sustain anyone for a lifetime.  To be fueled by anger is the need to find more of it because this kind of fuel runs out after a time, it is exhausting to stay angry.

To do something selfless is never tiring.

I met a woman in a salon in Farmsville, VA.  She use to travel with Paul Mitchell years ago, the famous hair product line millionaire.  She was a trainer for his company and she taught the use of the product line to new locations that opened all over the world. She settled here in VA in her mother's salon.  She said one of the things she admired most about Paul was, when he arrived in any situation and there were heated arguments going on, he first words were. "How can I help?" It was his positive attitude and willingness to figure things out instead of yelling and blaming others that she felt made him the success he became.  She had great respect for him.

We all know there are some business owners both male/female who got to the top of their game by yelling and intimidation, this does work, but not for long term.  Employees eventually move on when the opportunity arises, no one likes to work in a pressure cooker.  Anger causes a pollution in its wake.  It wears the body of the one carrying it down until the only source left is anger at oneself.

"Hate is too great a burden to bear" MLK Jr.

Anger is toxic fuel and there is enough of it in the world today without me adding to it.  I have had to overcome so much anger in my own life and have found ways to do it.  Once I recognize the anger in me and then accept I am responsibility for the angry out look of my life, I can begin to awaken into a peaceful existence.  No one is to blame for anything in my life except me.

Kindness, charity, thankfulness to life, these are sustainable, it is the essence of who we are. It is the thoughts of our mind that make it so.


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