Saturday, February 11, 2017

Knowing When YOU Need to Set Boundaries

When sleepwalkers hurt, yell, harm, kill a relationship, hurt children, hurt animals, hurt others, constantly controlling where you go, who you are with, divide you from your siblings, children, family, friends, and continue to be angry constantly, these people are not in touch with being alive.  When someone is not in touch with the joy of being alive he/she is dead inside. And when someone is dead inside he/she will lash out to feel something other than deadness inside. 

This mind/body will cause drama, war, division, judgments to feel something, to feel anything to feel alive.  He/She will seek to harm others and him/herself these people refuse to wake up. 

I use to be angry but I have never been cruel or divisive. I have never been this "dead" inside. To be physically violent is not in me.  One day I decided I can't live with my own anger anymore, I do not want to be a "victim" anymore and I sought answers. I wanted to awaken. We are all asleep in different degrees until we are not.  The more angry and violent a person is, the more asleep he/she is.  If you are not that dead inside, you must get away.  It is not your job to awaken anyone, in fact you cannot do it, the other must want to awaken and do their own work.

The scariest part for sleepwalkers is to look within, to change our negative thoughts to positive ones, to change our environment if necessary to become more in control of ourself.  We must do the work to heal ourself, no one else can.  It is not easy, but it will work in time, with daily practice. I continue to do the work daily to become more in touch with my good, loving, essence.  I want peace. It starts with me. It takes discipline.

Through it all I have discovered that when I am awake, I see the essence in my Sweetheart clearer.  As I see his essence clearer, we connect more on an emotional level, we have much more harmony between us.

One author, describes a successful marriage as one that is not a friendship but a mate on the same spiritual path you are. My experience is that I alone need to find my own path to inner peace, live accordingly, alive, present, and my significant other will be the best because I see him/her that way. If the other is not longing to be awake, I will not be their teacher. I will not sacrifice my life for their unhappiness.  They must find their own teacher when they decide to wake up.

You and I can set boundaries if the other person is not awake and is unkind to us. I absolutely do not let another abuse me, my children or animals.  

Love is not a feel good emotion.  Love is a recognition of the loving essence in you and her/him.  If you are around an angry, violent, self-destructive, or controlling partner, this is not love. Get out.  You deserve to be loved and respected but it starts with loving and respecting yourself first. Without this you will never make a move.  

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