Tuesday, February 21, 2017

There are People Like MRSA, Stay Away!

MRSA: the Super BUG - Methicillin -Resistant- Staphylococcus-Aureus
A bacterium from several “difficult to treat” infections in humans.

This Super Bug has developed because people who were prescribed antibiotics did not follow directions for the medicine.  To eradicate a bacterial infection you must take all ten days of the antibiotic 2-4 times day until all the meds are finished as directed.

What people did was take the antibiotics for 2-3 days and as they felt better they stopped taking the medicine.

What this caused was a bacteria that was once slowly but surely dying, to recover, and become stronger to overcome that antibiotic.  Next the doctor prescribed another stronger antibiotic, same thing, stop taking it and soon that bacteria develops more resistance and no antibiotic can stop it.  The lesser strength that would have killed off the bacteria if taken for the ten days does not work now.

The result a nasty Super Bug that makes you sick and the stronger the medicine the less it works until there is no medicine to kill the damn super bug and we as humans stay sick.

We did this to ourselves.

Now I pride myself on not getting sick and not taking prescription medicines unless absolutely necessary.  A few years back I was around elementary children and this one angel, 5 y o boy loved to kiss me good-bye.  I always let him but afterward would use alcohol hand cleaner to wipe my cheek because I did not want to get sick.  One day he had a runny nose, a lot of days he did as a matter of fact, I would wipe his nose and he would kiss me good-bye. This day I caught his germ.

Over the weekend I came down with a ferocious cold.  I thought I'll take 12,000 mg of Vitamin C and Zinc and knock this thing out.  I thought thank goodness I don't take multiple antibiotics that make my system weak.  Over the next two weeks I became sicker and sicker.  I could not believe this! I do not get sick and if I do, I get over it quickly.

Stubborn as I am I would not go to the doctor, I can lick this I said.  Finally when I had a fever that would not break for days on end my husband said, "I'm taking you to the doctor, this fever is dangerous for you."  So I went to the doctor.

Doc put me on one antibiotic after another and nothing worked long term, maybe a day or two, but fever back again and I would go back to doctor.  I said, "Why aren't these antibiotics working on me? I never take them, they should work on me, and I have no resistance built up from over usage."

The doctor told me this Super Bug does not depend on you, the Super Bug has built up its own defenses to the meds, and you are just a host.  Damn it...my thinking wrong again.   

Finally I was prescribed Erythromycin that made me itch like crazy and break out all over my torso and arms in red speckled spots.  The doctor told me, "If you can stand the itching, the red spots for a couple of weeks, I think this will cure you."  So I scratched and scratched, stayed out of work, and finally fever broke and with lots of bed rest and water I recovered.  I had not been that sick in decades.  I experienced the Super Bug.  Now I hear science is coming up with new meds to combat that Super Bug, but it has taken a while.

Which brings me to the comparison to people, there are mean, angry people on planet earth, you know them and I know them, and no amount of trying to please them will ever work.  The only way to not be infected by their nefarious accusations and negative attitudes is to not get caught in their drama.  

What to do? If you can move physically away, do. If you can get another job, do.  If you have to stay put for a while until you can make the move, learn to calm your own mind, stay out of conversation or any defense of your actions with them, (Defense first act of war ~ Byron Katie) do your job, speak to clarify only when absolutely necessary, smile to yourself, knowing you are exiting soon. And do it!  Exit!  As soon as possible.

And when you get to higher ground and you will, stay away from MRSA people/relatives. There is no cure, there is only maintenance when dealing with them.  Do not be a host to such negative, toxic, energy, parasites. Choose wisely your circle of influence, keep angry, toxic, people far away from wonderful, kind, you. There are many good people out here, come find us, we are looking for you too! To move towards your dreams, stay away from MRSA personalities.  Definitely do not be friends with them, it hurts you, not them.

Study www.thework.com by Byron Katie Mitchell, it helped me get free, it may help you.

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