Monday, February 27, 2017

Money, Inheritance, Families, You Gotta Love It!

"There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. The poor can think of nothing else." ~ Oscar Wilde

Religion, philosophers teach that to be truly rich, such as happiness and love are not found in material things yet we live in a material world. Truth be that without money it is harder to live. The life where we do not have money, or we think we offer no service or cannot make something of value to make our own money, can cause us to become dependent on a government or someone. We can even become dependent on a "job."  We think if the government or charity does not take care of us, we can't survive.

This kind of thinking I call, "poverty" (i.e.,We cannot take care of ourselves) mentality is ingrained in our minds and can make us believe that without an outside agency we are incapable of making money to take care of ourselves. We think, "We can't run a business."  We have to have a "job."

I think many women believe this more than men. Some women just don't think they can get material things they want any other way unless they marry money. Societies, religions, world-wide kinda promote this to women too. We ladies of today are changing this mentality.

I also think this "poverty" mentality makes some think that "without an inheritance, a lottery winning, a government program to help us personally," we can not make it in this world.

My Sweetheart and I were talking about inheritances last night and how people think if they inherit enough stuff they are safe in this world. Heirs have "poverty" mentality too.

The truth is an inheritance is passed down by relatives who were really good at saving money, land, stuff, but not necessarily "teaching the next generation how to manage or generate more of it" or what to do if they do lose it all.  This mentality of NO CHANGE seems to be the only way to some relatives, however it shuts down progress, closes out the introduction of much needed new innovative ideas, and can cut off relations with family who disagree.  This happens often.

I read in a book years ago that the first generation millionaire makes the money and the next two generations lose it all.

Heirs, instead of focusing on making their own money to add to and multiple the first generation's million, try to find a way to live a meager life that can hold on to that inheritance as long as possible if they stay at home, don't challenge status quo.
Other heirs, especially farm families, spend their entire life in self-sacrifice, working 24/7 to hold on to what they have. These heirs have been taught to do anything different that might jeopardize the inherited money or family land would be foolish. So these people are never free to even try to live their life on their terms, to have their own dreams, or make money another way, away from the farm. Taught long enough and often enough it can take the wind out of individual ambitions. Strapped to tradition no matter what the costs, after all life is better than most here on the farm. True.

I heard a rich relative once say,  "Only poor people work, I could not get a job if I wanted, what would that look like to the family?"  (BTW this person had a substantial inheritance not an unlimited one)   I laughed.

"In times of war, the strong make slaves of the weak, in times of peace the rich make slaves of the poor." ~ Oscar wilde

What do you think of Mr. Oscar Wilde? Does he speak truth or error?

Inheritances that take care of itself for the heir, in other words "BIG MONEY" is the only inheritance that will create "residual income" without you having to work. (Ex. Oil fields,etc.) Most Americans do not inherit this kind of BIG MONEY, most have to work to keep what they get.

I witness family members living today in angry lives, spewing hateful words, unhappy, jealousies, addictions, over money, inheritances, land, missed opportunities and I see these same people isolating themselves from relatives.  They have it all but they can't be thankful and happy.

What to do?  Think for yourself, be thankful, be kind, meditate,  focus on your dreams, go for your dreams, you will never get to your dreams by looking back at missed opportunities.        

I study (YouTube) Eckhart Tolle and by Byron Katie. It comforts me, it may you.

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