Monday, February 13, 2017

Emotions Have no Stop Sign

To have a “Chip on your shoulder”:  according to a British dictionary: refers to the act of holding a grudge that readily provokes disputation.  To seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly or you feel you are not as good as other people.”

“Drama:   is an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events and circumstances. A composition in prose or verse involving conflict, any situation of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results.”

Marilyn Monroe was talented but she had a rough start in life. She was shuffled between 12 foster homes while growing up and married at 16 to get out of the foster care system to a 20 year old man who was good to her.  She got into modeling and the movies and was told she could not be a star and be married or have children. She divorced.  Hollywood caused many of the female stars to get abortions to continue their career.  Many women had sex with movie producers, directors, etc. to get a part, and Marilyn was among these. 

Women with more self-respect and confidence, like Katherine Hepburn and Jane Russell got far in Hollywood without doing sexual favors.  Marilyn thought she had no choice and she wanted to be a star more than anything, she wanted to be important, for someone to notice her, she wanted fame more than riches and would get it at all costs to her personally. 

Jane Russell worked with her and saw her great talent.  She knew MM could make it without being pushed around but she could not convince “low self-esteem MM” to believe it.  Because of this MM always had a chip on her shoulder about the men that used her and how unfair it was.  Jane Russell later would say, “If MM had a thicker skin and could let things go, she would have been better off in Hollywood.  She always had a “chip on her shoulder” and that made her life hard. She was a sweet girl.”

There are laws of nature that will absolutely stop you in your tracks if you do not obey. Come to edge of a cliff, stop or you will fall off,  drive a car too hard you will burn up the engine, the car will stop, a brown recluse spider bites you will die. 

But when it comes to emotions there seems to be no stop sign.  Somehow if we feel something is right then it must be. Constant confrontation does not work.  Constant yelling does not work. Constant insulting the other does not work.

Instead of seeing only the contrast in disagreement, let’s try looking for similarities and begin from there in a positive direction for all.

This “emotional free range thinking” causes division and harm, the most stress comes to the person carrying the chip on her/his shoulder.

Fundamental emotionally enraged people do not have self-restraint. They actually believe their way is the only way and there is no other way to achieve good for all except theirs. But the problem is they are trying to control the outside world instead of doing their work on the inside. Peace begins with the man/woman in the mirror.  Until our mind is peaceful we will never achieve world peace.    

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