Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Positive Thinking and "Oblivia" are Different

The fine line between thinking you understand other people's positive thinking and you seeing it as "oblivia" is only misunderstood because of youth.  Youth sees things black and white and you are either for it or against it, there is no solid ground of truth.  So youth fights against the establishment. I know, I did too.  Every generation does and if by some circumstance you are absolutely brought to your knees and everything you thought you knew as absolute, goes to hell, you think it is another person's fault.  I know, I did too one time.

Then I got older, the more I tried to control other people and outside situations the more I became angry and frustrated.  Why did not everyone see things my way?  After all my way is the right way, my way is the most loving way.  I really see what is going on, they don't.  They make me so mad.  I will scream the truth, my truth from the mountain top.  I have a voice!  I will roar.  Then they will hear me, I am the most loving, awake, and kind person in this generation, this world today!

Ego.  Youth gives you a big one, if you are wealthy or pretty, you think even more of your responsibility to everyone.  You have a responsibility to shake them up, wake them up.  I know, I did too.

Reality, it is not your responsibility to wake anyone up but yourself.

Then life throws you a curve ball, a divorce, you didn't see that coming, probably was all the other person's fault, you know best.  A bankruptcy, you lose your house, your job, your car, all circumstances out of your control, someone else did not do something you counted on and now this!

Or you did everything right and now that you are older and have every material thing anyone could ever ask for, you are unhappy.

So youth think that if other people do not think and act like you, us, they are hateful, stupid, uninformed, wrong totally, living in "Oblivia."  I know, I did too.

What I discovered is that all confusion among many different opinions must start with some foundational rules of order.  Everyone cannot have their way all the time.  People are too different and the balance of life will be out of balance.

Religious righteousness makes me judge the other as being wrong, no gray area at all.  I know, I use to think that until one day through studying many philosophers and teachers of peace, I learn the greatest peace is inside of me.  As a matter of fact it is the only peace I have control over.  To waste my time judging others wrong, to waste my time hating anyone for anything is a reflection of me.

I have come to see that when I vigorously dislike another person, I am still vigorously disliking me.  I am not comfortable in a world that does not see me, hear me.  Ego makes me think the big "I" is the only one that sees what is going on and "I" am the only one who knows the best way to solve it.

When others will not do what you want, it makes you angry and angrier. If I don't stop trying to make others do what I say, I will become bitter.  I know, I did too.

The only way back from this dark place of bitterness is to surrender.  Totally, humbly, kindly, knowing that in time things will change in this world with or without me.  The greatest influence I have on this world is in my marriage and my children.  To teach them a better way will make the old way obsolete. And that change begins with ME.

I found peace within and became more peaceful with the world through personal meditation and doing the work with Byron Katie Mitchell. ( makes me totally responsible for me, and to focus on what I can control, only my thoughts, me.)  All other false illusions any of us have about controlling others will never work.  Surrender taught me this life is good and getting better every day.

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