Friday, February 10, 2017

True Love is Beyond Emotion ~ ET

What is it to be awake according to spiritual teachers?  The thought of spiritually awakening sounds so woo-woo.  I am not a fan of believing in chakras, Feng shui, tarot cards, mediums communicating with the other side, crystal balls, not even tales from the KJV Bible.  Holy Ghost, no.  Whatever God is to me it is not woo-woo, it is reality.  If God is reality then let's deal with it.  

Buddhism attracted me later in life as I sought more knowledge about what God is and how God is in my life.  I discovered long ago that God does not exists in another person any more than me.  So to try to convince me to give my life to Christ never settled in my mind, sounds woo-woo. And why would I give my life to the church when I did not ask the church or Jesus to give his life for me?  I did not need saving.  I am not a sinner.

None of us are.  We are born innocent but through the ages since the beginning of time we have become so fearful of being here, that we have lost touch with the essence of who we are and what we are meant to be.  Living has to be simple.  To want to take your life, (I have been suicidal a few times in this life) as have some of my family members, is to miss the boat of being here.  We are not here to be perfect, we are here to make mistakes, laugh, figure out our next adventure and be happy in the process.  How did I discover this?  I kept seeking answers to every negative thing that happened in my life.  Blaming others never helps to heal anything and expecting someone to care who will not is a waste of time.

So it does not take long for anyone to discover that the answers to life come from within. No amount of praying, achieving another diploma, money, status, recognition of any kind, makes you want to live. Look around, look at Robin Williams.  Look closer to your home, who in your family is stuck in bitterness and anger?  Who in your family is an addict? This includes addiction to food, addiction to a self-image of beauty, and that insidious negative thinking? Negative thoughts are the sneakiest because there are no outward appearances of this unless you speak your negative venom to others and treat them poorly.  

My personal study of watching relatives spew angry accusations and negative judgments at family members have been disheartening to witness.  One would expect family to be happy when you achieve anything but this is not the case in some families.  My husband and I being genuinely happy for others and always glad when they receive anything they hoped for, worked for... I could not believe a family member would be jealous or wish harm to his brother. I could not believe an aunt, uncle, or Grandfather would see nothing good in me or my family. I was just a child when these hurtful words were said to me. I never forgot it.  I forgave but I don't forget. My family claimed to be Christian but they said and did cruel things to us. I remember when I did these things too. I began to say to myself and my husband, "These people are sleepwalkers."  It is like they don't have their eyes open to the world and the joy of living, the joy of having family around, they are dead inside.

This is very hard to say to yourself knowing that to KNOW this, I would have to remove myself from that negative environment to heal myself.  It can be scary.  But if you love yourself, you must put your needs first to recover from the damage of hateful words from so called "Loving" relatives.  The truth is these people are not loving.  What is good to know is that you can leave, follow your dreams, be positive to yourself and the others you meet and find your purpose and inner peace.  Yes I mean physically leave if need be. 

When we left our family environment we began to wake up.  My husband left his family mentally long before he met me and I left mine physically long before I met him.

When we met each other we found kindred spirits.  We were rebellious, angry, sensitive, deeply flawed, and passionately drawn to one another, yes we were in love with one another.  So we set the date and said, "I do." 

Years have gone by, many situations we have overcome together through raising a family of our own and leaving the others behind.  It was not easy.  We began to wake up a couple of decades into the marriage. I know, I know, you may say, that's a long time to wait, but I told you I was stubborn right?

Eckhart Tolle teaches in an interview he did with Tami Simon called, The Longing is Already A Part of the Awakening can be heard on YouTube.  

ET ~ Emotion is neediness of an attachment to another.

Love is not an emotion, it is much deeper. Empathy is not an emotion, Loving kindness is not an emotion, these are consciousness of essence of who you are.

When you recognize this same essence, this aliveness, this feeling in another, you love them.  That is why you love a dog, not for its fur, shape, bones, but you recognize the essence of yourself in their eyes.  ~ 

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