Thursday, February 15, 2018

Boo Boo or Ash?

I was in line at a store yesterday watching a precious 3 year old Angelbunny with her mother touch this or that while waiting for the cashier. She picked up a lipstick on her 2 1/2 foot eye level. Her mom said."No no sweetie we you don't need makeup, put that back." The little girl put it back. Then she picked up a 5 Hour Energy Shot bottle and her mother said, "No no, you definitely don't need that!"

I smiled and said to the mother,"She was getting that for you mom." Her mother said,"Yes I do need that."  We laughed and I said, "Is this your first?"  She said, "Yes."  I said, "It is so much fun isn't it?"
"Yes, it changes your life more than anyone can ever explain to you."  "Planning to have more some day?"  "Yes after this one is potty trained..."

They stepped up in line and the baby was picked up by her mother. As the baby looked over her mother's shoulder, she pointed at me and said,"Boo boo" to her mother. Her mother looked at me and said, "No sweetie this is Ash Wednesday and we will go to church later to get ash put on our forehead."  I glanced briefly over my left shoulder and see no one in line.

I franticly began to freak out embarrassed, thinking, "Sh*t my eyebrows are smeared!" I begin to discreetly rub my forefinger up the middle of my brow trying to erase the smear of my drawn on eyebrows.  Then I thought, "Crap! I wish I had a mirror!  Which eyebrow is missing?"

Then I remembered, the stoics..."Things I can control and things I cannot control." As I am calming my mind down saying to myself..."If this is your biggest problem today, I have no problems." Get a grip, you know you love make up and how it gives this 60+ woman some much needed color. Oh well.

Just then the woman behind me stands up, she was squatted down looking at something on the lower shelf behind me. She had a black ash on her forehead between her eyes.

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