Sunday, February 11, 2018

"Perfect As You Are"

It's no secret to those who know me well that Pema Chodron is one of our favorite Buddhist teachers. To know more about her you can google her but today what I want to say simply is in her book, Perfect as You Are she teaches something that law of attraction and religions do not. This is simply, "Negative things happen. It is not negative things happening that get us caught up in destructive behaviors, it is being negatively negative about it."

In other words, you can't stop some negative things from happening to you, you are not responsible for all of the negatives that occur in your life.  What gets us in trouble is when our mind obsesses about the negative things that happen instead of taking positive actions to remedy the negative event.

You do this in your mind first and then an action will follow.  If we do not believe we are perfectly made and capable of figuring things out on our own, we are confused, we are indecisive, we flounder, we worry, we fear, we do nothing to remedy the situation, we suffer failure and loss.

When you realize you are not born broken, you are good, you can make it alone in this life if you have to until better situations come, then you learn to live a happy life.

We do not have to go through life wearing rose colored glasses when we are hurt, denying the hurt, excusing the pain, or making excuses for an abuser, not having boundaries because we are afraid we are not enough, or we can't survive on our own.  We were born to be successful in everything we choose to be and do.  We can be successful if we get rid of negative judging thoughts about others and ourselves.

Once we wade through the swamps of survival, get on the other shore in daylight, we can begin to pursue our dreams and live the life we have dreamed about forever.  No more confusion about purpose, no more confusion about how, we just do it.

The dream of wanting unconditional love, from my childhood, getting a person in my life that really accepted, loved "me," and would always be here for me has come true. Now on to the next dream...

I figured out in my teens that imperfect me was "Perfect As I Am." Getting the kinks out was just details!

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