Saturday, February 17, 2018

"Some People Truly Are Living on Another Planet"

Watching an interviewer on YouTube my husband and I could not get over the sycophant admirations to the celebrity.  We both began laughing out loud and said, "What?" There are many, many, many, great actors and yet these interviewers tell each celebrity, "there will never be another one like you" is really over stating what can never be known now.  Then my husband and I both said,"They must be living on another planet, it sure isn't earth. Their "Ego" can take them there, we see."

Has anyone else ever noticed in TV the interviewers have to really hop up the accomplishments of the interviewee?  All the talk show hosts do this if you watch enough of them, and the best ones make you believe that this one person "is their favorite." But they cannot all be the favorite, favorite is ONE.  Even Oprah does it, listen to her.  I am much more interested in listening to Oprah give commencement speeches at colleges now.

It must be a way to get the celebrity to let their walls down, make the guest think the interviewer is among their best fans, and possibly make the guest let out a secret not revealed yet to the public.  That seems to be a feather in a hosts' hat, to be the first to report the unknown secret to their public. Some of these introductions are so over the top, I throw up  a little in my mouth and then listen for a while, if the interview is somewhat interesting I may stay tuned, if not, I change the channel, yes, I have a life too.

Most of America lives on planet earth. We try to live a life with respect for others. Respect for their marriages, respect for others' property, respect for children, respect for religious beliefs that are not violent.  Most of America does not grow up in a movie theater or hang on every word of an entertainer.  Most of us know no ONE person is above or below another. The majority of humans, without celebrity status are the backbone of every society on earth.

The celebrity road to stardom is frequently full of affairs, leaving husbands, wives and children behind to pursue personal pleasure, fame, position in Hollywood, fortune, or the next big break, with no responsibility to anyone but self. 

Planet Earth as a peaceful society cannot survive without respect for family units and others. Thankfully these ego-centric individuals are a minority. (Unfortunately many politicians are joining this ungrateful group. Politicians are scary because they claim to be "public servants" yet sacrifice their marriages and children for affairs, fame, personal pleasure, position, and fortune.)

The compass of happiness is not found in selfish pursuits for your entire life, in time the compass of happiness will lead to helping others, respecting yourself, respecting others' beliefs, their commitments to a significant other, respecting and valuing your own children.

Children are the future inhabitants of this planet and cannot be shipped off to another to raise or to get out of the way so I can do what I want to do.  That thinking needs to be eradicated before fathering a child. Children are gifts from the universe, a chance to make the world better. Innocence that we parent and guide if we see their value.

Our children taught me what "Love" really is, and to that end I will always be grateful for them and the man that helped me raise them. This experience was part of my journey to inner peace.

To each its own, we are one and this road to unification of us all is a road we create as we go. In the end, we must all evaluate if the win was worth the sacrifice.  No one gets a free ride here, we must make peace within or we will never have the happiness we seek. Bright lights and big city was never my path, I prefer the serenity of nature and a good book, helping people I meet everyday and appreciating the help each gives me. Namaste.

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