Saturday, February 10, 2018

There is No Dana, Only Zuul!

Zuul is the gatekeeper of Gozer,  a minigod of Gozer "The Destructor" alongside Vinz Clortho "The Keymaster"  are characters in the Ghostbuster movie, one of the funniest movies our family has ever seen, who doesn't love Bill Murray?  The entire cast are fabulous actors with perfect comedic timing.

The story was created from a book. The House is Haunted: The True story of a Poltergeist  this happened in England, the book was written in 1980. Are the characters real? Did the poltergeist happen?  Who knows? The Poltergeist in England claims the word "Gozer" was written on walls throughout the house. This story and movie is made for entertainment. Those that believe in the Evil Devil, Demons, Satan, have to stretch the mind to such fairytale like dimensions, that I cannot go there. For me to believe in this evil is childish.  It's like a child afraid of a boogey man in the closet or under the bed, it is too fantastical to believe.

It is much easier for me to believe there is a good force, call it God, call it "Reality," that when called upon or not, will always steer you in the right direction if you get your fearful negative judging thoughts out of the way.  Why does this force positively help everyone? Because this force loves to help everyone I guess.  I can't say but I have definitely seen the goodness of this force help me many times in my life.

Science alongside reality of what is and reason has proved many theories false. One theory proven false "the earth is flat." Aristotle put forth the notion of the round world but it took years for others to believe it possible.  Another false belief was that cleaning wounds, changing bandages daily will not affect the outcome of healing. Florence Nightingale proved this wrong when she cleaned and dressed wounds of the soldiers, the mortality rate lessened significantly. It seems the mind of fear and laziness can create some pretty scary but false analysis to explain things not readily explainable.

Which brings me to this: I have some very highly educated, morally upright, theologian friends, ordained in various ministries that absolutely "Know" in their conditioned thinking that to believe in God, one must believe in Devil, Satan, and Demonic creatures. Some of these individuals believe they have seen Satan and Devils. What if Satan and Devils are created solely in the minds of humans?  What if there are no such demonic creatures, no demonic possession and these exist only because you believe it does?  What would you do with your belief system? How would you live life without blaming the Devil for everything bad in the world?

I taught the Bible for many years including the Satan theory until one day I discovered, "There is no Satan, Only the Human Mind" that controls all imaginations.  I do not believe in Satan, Devils, Demons or any such horrific fantastical fairy tales.  To attribute our bad decisions or actions to Satan is to give your power away and not take responsibility for your confused mind.  Likewise to attribute to God all good decisions or peaceful actions, you give your power away, and do not allow yourself to be thankful for your unconfused mind with good decision making skills and therefore appreciate your own good self. What is left is nothing for you to claim for your own. In life you will receive the rewards of good decisions and actions or you will suffer the consequences of your bad decisions and actions.

Neither of these is due to God or Satan, these are outcomes of your beliefs.  If these beliefs be in alignment with the universe of peace or out of alignment, you choose.  We are born with a conscious that is aware of good and bad, we feel it. (Unless there is a mental or physical illness along with perpetuated wrong teachings in this world that prevents some of us from feeling.)  I believe this inability to have a feeling of what is wrong or right comes from generations of confused and bad influences taught through the actions of our parents, our culture, traditions, society, religions, and environment.  This teaches us to fear things we do not know, it teaches to divide ourselves from what we do not understand, it teaches war. It may be no one's fault, or so many will claim, but it has to be recognized and stopped in someone.  I choose to recognize the confusion taught to me and continue to practice daily meditation and allow the beauty of the peace that resides in me to come forth again. I take responsibility for my life, my actions, I take the credit for my accomplishments.  I am good, I am not broken, I am human, and so likewise are you.  All of us have a true nature to be good just like the force that helps us when we fall or guides us when we meditate. No one would ever hurt another if the mind was not confused about "how to think."

Thankful to unlearn so many confused thoughts that once caused me pain and to see I can control my own mind and be free, be peaceful, be patient. If I can do it, anyone can. Each life is a gift to the world.

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