Friday, February 2, 2018

Coffee Enemas? What?

Dr. Kelly Brogan a psychiatrist and nutrition coach with more degrees than I can list (You can google her) has after years of conventional MD practices discovered alternative medicine and is changing her prescription to patients. She now addresses the diet first and helps people to get off psychotropic meds. She wants to rid labeling patients with mental illness.  She focuses on relieving depression through radical adherence to her suggested detox and diet change for life.

Kelly has a book  A Mind of Your Own that addresses taking control of your mind through diet, daily meditation, and a grateful attitude. Sound familiar?  She also suggest "coffee enemas" to rid gut of unwanted parasites and detox the colon and liver.  I have never heard of coffee enemas, have you?

White sugar is a major "NO!" Zero tolerance of thinking about eating it forever after.  She prescribes NO GRAINS, again zero tolerance, vegetables are good, and she says organic grass fed red beef good, poultry and fish are OK 3-5 times a week. Lots of purified water, no alcohol, no caffeine, (except up the backside in an enema) and other diet tips.

If you want to be free from pharmaceuticals, bipolar, mental illness, depression, and anxiety you will follow her recommendations strictly.  Her practice is in NYC and her patients are going to her as a last resort before seriously considering suicide to escape the drugs, the noise in their heads, their mood swings, and lack of control of their mind. Wow!

Traditional medicine warns of coffee enemas having no clinical proof of detoxing or having any positive effects yet Dr. Brogan prescribes them for lifting mood swings and depression. Again, you decide what you do and what you believe. Frankly I was surprised she was not vegan.  As she shares in her YouTube video interviews, there is a tweaking to the diet she prescribes to each patient as every body is different.  She also shares that anyone can do their own research, read her book, and put together your own diet plan that works for you, you don't need to go see her in NYC.

Another eye opener, a medical doctor that is putting your health back into your hands to get optimal health through disciplined choices in your foods. There is that word again daily discipline.  You control your thoughts, your actions, your meditation, your life. 

I will be following her blog and YouTube channel to get good natural healing information and to see how much flack she is going to get from Ivy League college educated peers.  This is going to be a reality show worth following for the next years.

She healed herself from a chronic disease that she learned in med school she would be managing with drugs for the rest of her life through her diet.  She speaks from the heart and has first hand personal experience of the success of the strict diet she follows.

Many roads to the top of the mountain I have always said, here is another you may want to investigate.  You know what resonates with you, you will find the answer.

Thank you Dr. Brogan for staring in the face of conventional psychiatry and saying, there must be a better way, a more natural way, and finding a way.  I love positive rebels! Open minds and open hearts go hand in hand.

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