Wednesday, February 21, 2018

"Talk About Patience!"

In my travels today I met another immigrant that comes to the USA by Milan, originally Philippines. His wife is a nurse and was invited here years ago. If they had come then, they would have entered the USA immediately on a work visa but if they waited, they could get a green card and bring the entire family. They decided to wait.  They waited EIGHT YEARS to come here legally.

What? If that was not amazing enough, he also said he and his wife have life plans.  He is 51 years old and years ago he decided he wanted to have his own truck and business driving. Now he decided this when he was living in another country, so he was not concerned what country he would live in to own and drive this truck, they just saved their money to purchase truck, trailer, licenses, etc. etc.

He told me they write all their goals down and steadily keep their eye on the goal.  They moved here 2 years ago and now in 18 months he should have enough to but his truck and all the legal insurances and licenses.  I am so amazed when I hear a person moves here from another country and has a business owner mentality.  If there is one thing I have seen, if you want your time and freedom to come together, in own a business.

Then when the truck business has started to show profit, he and his wife want to buy 10 acres and put up a small but comfortable house and enjoy their life here in America. (They are renting  an apt. now) The acreage they purchase will enable him to park his truck and work on it.  He is very educated in knowing the laws and what to do. They like upstate NY.

He and his family see young Americans here and notice what we notice, there is a sense of entitlement without first putting in the work, and a lot of wanting the government to take of you instead of taking care of yourself.  I love immigrants that understand to have anything in life you work for it, you plan for it, you save for it, handouts are not always necessary. He has a moral fortitude based on Christian values and is wise.  He reads people very well and is centered, confident, respectful.  He is a good man. I often think when I hear a story like his, do you know how tight he and wife must be to come here and start over?  I do love couples that know how to live together in peace.

I told him America needs new blood here, new ideas here, new perspectives here, and these hard working immigrants bring it all.  So good to meet good people every day, everywhere I go. America is getting better every day.

Thankful for patience, one thing youth has to learn, takes time to learn it.  Fortunately time will teach it when things don't fall into place as planned, you wait and begin again.
Image result for patience quotes

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