Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tolstoy Opening Quote

"All happy families  are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." ~Leo Tolstoy

Our son is reading Anna Karenina, and I was reading a book by Paypal founder Peter Theil, Zero to One, (Notes on Start up businesses)  Peter referenced this quote in his book. 

This quote is interpreted differently by the readers of it. 

In the broader sense I agree, happy families are supportive of one another and their differences, and in the same experience I see unhappy families are not supportive of individual opinions that differ from family traditions and culture.  This broader view of unhappy families does not have a different cause but yes, each has a different reason for the unhappiness.

How do you interpret this quote?

What I know for sure, no matter what kind of family you come from, acceptance of yourself, confidence to move in the direction of your dream with a thankful attitude every day will take you there with daily discipline to take actions in that direction and the flexibility to change approach as needed.  The problem for many is we do not have a clear picture of what we want, figure that out and get going. Once that is clear 98% of our work is done, now move!

Thankful for books on every subject in the world to take our pick.  Don't see the exact book you want? Then write it! I am doing that now. 

Image result for make your direction clear

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