Friday, February 16, 2018

"Peaceful Attention at Home Brings Peace, Not More Laws"

**Important to realize I write from the perspective of a USA citizen, not other countries.

When something bad happens here in the USA, many want another law but laws do not make anyone obey them. So many times we read in the news the "want" for a quick remedy to deep rooted problems: "More laws needed!" Laws don't work when people will not obey them. No one would harm another person if they were not confused about the peaceful ways to resolve every conflict. Peaceful ways are taught at home not laws of society.  Laws are misconstrued, misinterpreted, for personal gain. Look at court cases that are won or loss. 

Who takes the time to teach peace to children? There are rules and laws in every society and home but who takes the time to teach actual conflict resolution in the actual moment it happens so the child can see in action the peaceful ways to resolve a disagreement first hand?

Neglect or the denial of the need to train a child in a home is perpetuated by ignoring the bad behaviors or letting technology babysit your child with full-time daycare centers, TV or any handheld device. This is very dangerous for the psyche of your child.  If you do not take the role of having the greatest influence on your child, someone in the world will, media does this every time you leave them in front of any electronic device. If the outside world can control your child's thinking, the child will lose the ability to make rational, reasonable, decisions himself/herself. This is the way of the world...

There is no better influence on a child than the teachings of the child's actual parents at home.  

The quick remedy never addresses the deep rooted problem, because to fully address the deep rooted problem can take daily teaching for years and years, it takes too much time for most parents more focused on being tired or paying the bills.

Mental illness in a child is not addressed even when detected at an early age because families do not want to admit that something is physically/mentally wrong with "their" offspring.  The time to live with and care for a mentally ill child, the costs of medications, visits to support groups, a psychiatrist is emotionally draining.  It takes persistent attention and  training to raise a civilized non-violent mentally ill child. When mental illness is present, there is no guarantee of the outcome but with constant attention and kind care the outcome proves to be better.

Only a person that has taken the time to raise a loving, kind, child, can know the time and focus on that one child's health and well being and this is "without apparent mental illness." Time and patience, helping parents teach their own individual child, is the one thing the workforce and schools in the USA are NOT facilitating. Then, when violence is the evident outcome, everyone wants a quick remedy.  It takes a village to raise a child?  Where are the teachers? There are lots of lawmakers, but where are the daily teachers? How is society helping that parent stay with each child?

You cannot teach what you do not know. My husband and I spent daily time with our children but we did not know how to resolve conflicts peacefully. If we were to continue this marriage we had to first learn how to converse and resolve disagreements without compromising the other person's integrity. 

It was daily work but in time with a focus to keep our family together and heal generational negative abuse, we got a handle on it.  Here's a clue: You do not find peace by trying to control everyone and everything around you. You find peace through acceptance of ideas that don't agree with your own, letting go of the ego to be right all the time, and a heart of "how can I be a part of a peaceful solution now?"

If you teach this at home to your children, they will not have to go far away from home to find these answers for themselves. We cannot teach what we do not know. 

Daily meditation/prayer/visualization and thankfulness, is absolutely necessary to bring your mind into alignment with goodness and to facilitate a peaceful world. Daily time with your children to teach them these peaceful ways is absolutely necessary too. Teach children to take time to meditate daily, eat right daily and exercise daily by doing this with them daily. This is the beginning of world peace.

Love this book, studied it and we both applied principles learned from it in our own family. We took an actual course offered in the school system with other parents to learn how to carry out methods set forth in the book. Definitely made our family life better.

Thankful to have found a path to our family peace. If only it was as simple as making another law...

Image result for self esteema family affair

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