Friday, February 9, 2018

"Me Too"

Last night was another best night of our life. Once again one of our free spirited children made us proud of them again.  Our eldest is in a rock group "Tanith." You can follow them on Facebook.  We knew our Marine has spent countless hours practicing and playing his guitar, he is a perfectionist.  Classical guitar was his beginning that moved on to more and more. As life would have it he met a group of fellow musicians and together they formed this group "Tanith" lead by Russ Tippins.

Russ Tippins is a master guitarist and it was a privilege to be so close to him and watch him expertly play the guitar.  The other band members were superb and the night went swimmingly. Each musician giving a stellar performance, it was a night to remember once again.  To think our son was on a stage doing this, so proud of his accomplishments.  We would be proud of him no matter what he did, he's just that kind of guy.  You gotta love him. Following his dream, making it happen.

Good, good, kind, talented band and friends. Thankful to finally meet them.

The opening concert was last night in Philadelphia, PA.  Tonight they are in Cleveland, Ohio.  we went to the opening concert and met his girlfriend, the band, and their fans. Among the crowd was a friend who does the catering for "Wrestlemania."  She appeared with food for "Tanith" when I was introduced...  I liked that she cared for the band and brought food for them all. 

The venue was full of loud talking fans and the music made it impossible to carry on a lengthy conversation so when a lull in the room occurred I quickly, in my usual direct way, asked her a series of questions to get an idea of her.

I asked her, "What is your story? Are you single, married, gay, have children, or not?"
Her first response was my favorite response I have heard in a long time.

She said,"I'm all of those in my heart, but I'm single with a boyfriend. I know that sounds crazy but I travel a lot for my business..."

I liked her immediately.  Very charming, warm and kind, with a true love of serving others.
She had me at, "I'm all of those things in my heart..."

I decided then, "Me too!"

Their next concert is in Brooklyn , NY this Sunday, hope to see you there. (You can buy their 45 and tee shirts, at the venue.)

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