Wednesday, August 8, 2018

A Friend Said, Enough Already

He said, "I have had enough of Eckhart Tolle to last a lifetime."

Me, "Until I master peace of mind in every moment, I am continuing my study of his teachings, Byron Katie Mitchell, Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, and thankful to do it."

Stevie Nicks, can I ever get enough? No.

Journey, can I ever get enough?  No.

My sweetheart husband, can I ever get enough? No.

My wonderful children, can I ever get enough? No.

Meeting great people everywhere I go, can I ever get enough? No.

Writing, can I ever get enough?  Only time will tell.

TV, social media, news, politics, negative angry attitudes?  Yes, enough!

You choose where you spend your mind, and I'll choose where I spend my mind.

It's a wonderful life.

Thankful. If none of these are me, who am I ET?  That is why I study to be aware of me. By George I think I'm getting closer, I know I am!

Image result for eckhart tolle quotes awareness

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