Monday, August 20, 2018

Night Sky

Sitting outside our campsite at Adirondack Safari we enjoyed the night sky once again.  The stars are something we don't give much thought to as we see them every night.  We sit outside, we walk the driveway, we sleep outside for fun. We live in the country.

So when a NYC couple (mid to late 20s I guessed) said they had never seen the sky full of stars until the first night sitting by their campfire I was amazed. Born and raised in NYC they had never been camping and evidently never noticed the heaven full of stars before. This must have been a magical scene to behold the first time in their life.  Maybe in the city one cannot see the full sky because of  all the buildings?

Such a simple beauty, we enjoy locating the North Star and different constellations year round, never entered our minds that anyone had not seen this before.  The city, city folk, another world to me, one I know little about.

Nature gives so much peace. Walks in the night a favorite. Sleeping out on the trampoline is comfortable and relaxing watching shadows, looking for shooting stars. 

Now I must remember to be thankful for the night sky, and thankful for eyes to see it.

Image result for thankful for night sky

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