Friday, August 31, 2018

Relax and Live

There is a time in life for everything.  When I was young I wanted to change the world and I found in time I had enough to handle to change myself.  In fact I found that was the only place I could effectively and completely change.

Speaking with a friend today as older women we both agreed that looking back in history it took radical actions of a few to get the attention for social change to occur.  The radical actions of women that are most effective are unexpected, unruly, but usually law abiding.  Violence to other human beings is not the norm for most women. 

Remember when you were young and you visited older retired people?  I often thought, cruises, bridge games, tourists, checkers on the boardwalk, why would anyone do this for the rest of your life?  This looks boring.  What is the purpose of this life?

And then I grew older, wiser, living in this crazy world and see, at some point you have to stop criticizing, condemning, and complaining and get on with your life. You have to find how you fit in and do that.

The world is a big, big, big, place and the problems among its humans were created over thousands of years and millions of differing opinions and yet the earth still rotates around the sun with or without each of us. The solutions will take thousands of years and thousands of humans looking inside to change.

To finally get to a place you can be thankful, read a book for fun, play a game of cards with friends, sit and play checkers on a boardwalk to me means you have arrived at knowing that to live is a wonderful thing and like the Dalai Lama teaches...
Image result for dalai lama quotes if you can't help mother at least done hurt them


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