Monday, August 13, 2018

Judge others? Of course I Do

Just read Esther Perel's book The State of Affairs and I can say her book opened my eyes to a world of situations and reasons for an extramarital affairs I never considered.

Now I'm not saying this is for me, it absolutely is not. I'm way too busy living a life with goals outside of myself to be bothered with a second relationship outside of my marriage. Who has the freaking time to do this?

You must be uber bored with your day job, definitely not living with purpose. When you live with laser focus and purpose, "sex" with too many other people is not on the horizon, you have much bigger goals than a 5 senses fling.

One affair is enough to deal with but multiple affairs is a real problem.  Is there ever a good excuse? You read and let me know your thoughts.

Any how, after reading her book, I have much more insight and I have a softer judgement about those that do this than before.  Before I immediately dismissed these people, now well, I still dismiss them because it is none of my business but I do it much gentler now.

Thankful not to be caught up in this nonsense, we have 40 years coming up next week and they have been challenging but we are closer than ever because we chose to lean in to this relationship instead of going outside it for answers.

Life is wonderful.

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