Saturday, August 11, 2018

Wait a Minute, Wait a MInute

Don't confuse the issue.

Studying the "present moment" and claiming this is the way to inner peace for me I listened to a Buddhist teach "there is no present. "

No present?  What do you mean I asked? So I listened and listened to the teaching again and again until a light went on in my brain.

The "present" Eckhart Tolle teaches and I apply in every situation I am confused or stressed is the "moment of peace" in your mind that you bring calm to your thoughts, this relieves stressful thinking.

The "present that is not" as taught in the Buddhist CD I'm studying, is the understanding that "life is never present" or static, "life like time, is dynamic and constantly moving." Energy is not still ever, energy is constant vibration and we are are made up of this. Matter of fact the entire world is interconnected because of this energy we share.

I laughed at the Buddhist teacher when she said in studying and making these Buddhist teachings your own, you may interpret it "homemade."  But that is the point to get closer to universal truth is it not?

Question everything, and until you make sense of it, do not accept it. You have a brain, a good heart, use it and believe in your own good self.

Now to learn "not to believe anything you think"...well that's another lesson for another day.  I get it.

Image result for pema chodron present moment quotes

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