Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Happy Children, Happy Families

While in Lake George there were many families from all over the world.  The Dads were as engaged with their children as the Moms and this was good to see. Children were polite, parents were admonishing kindly and playing with the children and it was so relatively quiet in Shepard's Park and the campground...we were amazed.  Yes I like to enjoy children instead of wish they were not around.

Every restaurant, park we visited, tubing on the river, the children were well behaved, not being loud, intrusive, or disrespectful of others, everyone picked up their trash and disposed of it in the trash cans, everyone was friendly and smiled. Yes, I like for us all to take care of public parks and land. We heard many different tongues spoken but all smiled when our eyes met. A smile is understood in every language.

The world is getting better. Seeing fathers so close to their children, caring for them, feeding them, changing diapers, playing with them, made this heart glad.  Children need their Dad and Mom, it seems the modern father is more aware of this than ever before and the children will certainly benefit. Fun to see many children playing and being their own sweet self, happy children, happy families.

Thankful to relax and enjoy the people around us. Good times.

Image result for shepards park, lake george, ny


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