Monday, August 6, 2018

Keep Going If You Really Want to taste Freedom Keep Going

Harriet Tubman is a quite a woman.  Auburn, NY has a museum and a couple of houses that were hers.  Presently money is being collected to to restore the property to keep her story alive. I wonder how many people know her and care about what she did for abolition. 

When I moved to Troy, NY in 1976, I walked the streets to discover the town and found a plaque on one of the city walls about her.  This was my introduction to her and I began to read more about her dangerous life and cause, to free slaves.

She led 300 slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad in 19 trips with a gun in her hand.  She vowed to kill any slave that wanted to turn back, this was not allowed.  With this conviction every slave that traveled with her made it to freedom in Canada. 

Her motto if you really want to taste freedom, keep going applies to my own search for the peace of mind I sought for many years. If we are slaves to our thoughts we are not free. I found freedom in being present and meditation.  What I know, if anyone wants to taste freedom, if you keep searching, keep going, you will find it in your own way in your time.  Keep going, peace is worth it.

Thankful to be in the right direction now, thankful to know women like Harriet Tubman who succeeded against all odds. If she can do it, we can do it too.

Image result for harriet tubman quotes

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