Saturday, August 4, 2018

Buddha in the Elevator

Two lies we learned living in this world:

1) Life should be perfect

2) Life should be easy

Neither of these are true. Life is not always perfect, is not always easy, but in our mind we can meet the challenge and overcome.

In the elevator of Yale Medical Hospital yesterday I entered, "Hi, How are you?"

The response from a young man, (about 20 something), answered, "The morning started off rough but it has to get better right?"

So I told him, "Two lies we learned somewhere, life should always be perfect and easy. Truth is, life is neither and the challenge of each day's problems keeps life interesting and fun."

He did not answer he looked flaccid.  Simple truths I have come to know might be helpful to another but it is not my job to interrupt his journey. Just my job to be present and kind.


  Image result for byron katie tea cup quote

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