Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Happy Fortieth Anniversary

What is the greatest benefit of a "good" marriage after 40 years?  

Only you can define a "good" marriage if you think you have a good marriage.

Familiarity, memories, laughter, really knowing each other now that you have come so far.  Seeing the communication gaps that caused unnecessary division years ago.  Being unafraid to speak your mind now and know it will be respected if not in agreement.

Feeling safe, at home, unconditionally loved, accepted, understood.  Knowing that the other person has your back, gives you a soft place to land if needed. Knowing the other will help guide you home when you feel lost, and because of this, you can speak out of love and concern to you about anything. Being able to talk things out without fear of rejection or judgment.

I read in the Bible when I was young, "Perfect love casts out fear."

It doesn't mean love is perfect, it means when you have perfect love you have no need to fear to connect, communicate, to forgive.  The other person  knows you have their best interest at heart so you can speak without fear.  

Forty years later we have time to go back and say what we were really thinking in any situation and in so doing clarity comes.  We can look back with honesty.  Pride melts away. We are just friends, that is all we ever were, friends that loved each other's company.

The two of us could only do this once, we were not built for more. Thankful we made it this far.

Image result for fortieth anniversary  

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