Saturday, August 11, 2018

Anger, Let It Be Until it Passes

Anger in all of us is the need to express our point when we feel we are not being heard.

An unconfused mind knows to not lash out and harm another, and not to repress the anger, this harms self.  So what do we do with this anger?

We bring it closer to home, we lean in, we root out what we are fearing. We admit we are angry and we investigate why. If we can't discover the root cause of it now, we sit with it. We let it be, knowing this is a natural human experience. 

We don't get ashamed we can't get to the root of it, we sit with calm attention, let it pass through us. The more you resist the anger, the more hardened it becomes. The hardness makes it more uncomfortable and the mind cannot receive the peace of understanding that comes with the calm mind.

When we come to the understanding that we don't yell and lash out at others when we are angry, and we don't internalise the anger to stress and sickness, now we are getting somewhere closer to the truth. The Dalai Lama taught when I heard him speak, "Talk, talk, truth will out." 

If the offender of your anger will not talk it out, you can still go inside and make peace with yourself.

In present moment, in meditation, all will be revealed to you in time. In the meantime, we patiently wait.  That we can do as wait for anger to pass through us.

As a former person of much anger, I am thankful to learn not to resist, but let it be.  Much to be learned just from this simple, not knowing, but let it be.
Image result for pema chodron quotes not knowing

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