Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Accept, Embrace, Reconcile All the Same

It depends on what word you like best to do the same thing.  Accept each moment as if you have chosen it and take action to change, leave, or accept the situation.  All else leads to madness about things you cannot control.

The higher vibration that keeps us in a positive state of mind brings calmness and clarity. To have clarity we must have order. Think of a junk room in your house and how every time you look in you just want to close the door. Bringing order to this room means taking everything out and discarding much trash and making the room functional by organizing it. 

Once you have order then you must discipline yourself to not clutter the room again. Less stuff, more space to move and breathe.

Our mind is like this.  To get clarity one must remove or unlearn angry, negative thoughts.  When anything that you don't like happens see this as an opportunity for change. Look for new ideas, and while waiting teach yourself to be patient. If you alone cannot change a situation, patiently accept and wait. Next year the world will look different and better if you only accept, embrace, reconcile the now.

Peaceful waters of the mind are so healing. Thankful for peaceful music and meditation anytime.
Turn off TV and social media permanently if you can, rest now, your mind needs rest, your thoughts need space. 

Image result for turn off tv

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