Friday, August 24, 2018

What Am I doing With My Life? That's a Good Question For Us All

It's much easier to be accomplished and move forward when, as a child you are adored, supported, and have older siblings and parents going before you to show you direction. Parents that teach you there is a higher purpose outside of basic survival because you already know how to survive. No need to fear the world, it is a great place to discover.

And then there are us who discover this on our own, we have to. There was a young man (33 y o) I met and he was so friendly and helpful, I asked him, "Are you related to the family that owns this business or just here for the summer?"

He said he was here for the summer, I asked him where he lives and how he heard of this campground?  I had not heard of "Glamping" until I received my Clipper Magazine last month.

I talked to him a while and not wanting to be self-centered, I eventually asked about his life.

He was hesitant but his honesty was endearing. He became homeless on the streets of Albany, for 17 years.  He was doing drugs, drinking alcohol, and woke up Thanksgiving 2017 last year with his eyes frozen shut and frozen snot icicles on his beard. He thought,"What I am doing with my life?" He went to a nearby bus stop, asked the driver for a ride to the hospital. The bus driver took him to St. Peter's Hospital. From here he went into rehab and the counselors helped him get  a job. He is clean 9 months.  Wow!

His former boss was friends with this business owner and this guy decided to give him a chance.  I love people who give people a chance.

Living life without drugs and alcohol is a journey within. In the beginning going inside to change fearful thoughts of self beliefs that cause you to reach for the bottle the first time, is scary. Much easier to make the investigation in the beginning before ending up hooked on drugs.  Addiction is a hard road back to civilization.

The first question, "What am I doing with my life?"  That's a good question for us all.

I hope he makes it with his dear girlfriend, lord knows they both have suffered enough.  He reminds me the human spirit is resilient and can awaken us all if we ask, "What am I doing with my life?"
We have not because we ask not, where did I read that before?

Thankful to have met this young man he confirms to me the world is getting better every day one self question at a time.  I believe Byron Katie teaches question your self defeating thoughts and the self defeating thoughts let go of you.  To learn how to do this miraculous change she teaches it best at  You can learn anything on the internet now, even this.

Image result for byron katie quotes

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