Sunday, August 12, 2018

Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Hatred, A Temporary Fix To A Deeper Hurt

When you know a peaceful purpose that can heal the world, you will get committed to living it and sharing your knowledge. I listened to Byron  Katie in another interview last night and she said she would teach the work as long as she had a breath left in her, as long as there are people who can be helped by it and of course everything she has to offer is free on her website.
BK has found her purpose.

There was a day when I thought I had to speak up and let others know what is right and wrong according to my way of thinking, I was arrogant and prideful. My idea of right and wrong was not always correct. In time I learned to mind my own business to the point I let others make mistakes, on their own, I stayed out of it.  This is safe and causes little confrontation.

My studies of kindness and compassion have lead me to know, it is everyone's purpose to live a peaceful life that offers assistance to others.

What I found is you do not need money to find answers, thank God. I had none anyway, when my search began as a teenager.  But you do need to be humble enough to say, "I don't know everything, and I'm open to listen and decide for myself what is good and true. Living with alcohol, drugs, food addiction, sexual addiction, hateful negative attitudes, as a solution is no more than a temporary fix, a place to hide, that cannot deal with the real problem inside. I needed a long term fix."

When you search with a laser focus you will find ways (controlling your mind to be free from depression and anger) that are free for the discovery and practice. These methods have been taught  for thousands of years by wise sages before we were we born. Religions do not hold all the answers for anyone. You can find other ways of obtaining inner peace if you look. God will see to this, my job is to remain open to receive with an open heart the wisdom of the universe,which is and has always been peaceful and kind resolutions.

Boundaries must be set with confidence if we are to protect our minds from predators. These peaceful methods we found become paramount to practice if we are to maintain inner peace in a chaotic world. It can be done with the discipline to practice daily.

Thankful for the meditation I choose to practice every day instead of fearful actions and hateful negative thinking.  There is another way but you must seek it out, no one can do it for you. Once you find it, hold on.

Image result for pema chodron seek and practice quotes


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