Monday, August 27, 2018

What Happened to Women's Right To Vote being Non-Partisan?

In different parts of the country there are local smaller celebrations of this day.  Many equate this day with the beginning of feminism.  In reality it does not matter the date feminism was founded. I am not a feminist, however, I appreciate the suffragettes and their strength to pursue the much needed law to pass for "women to vote." This has helped all men and women of the world. 

Feminists today seem to have evolved into a male hating group.  I love men. Yes, I applaud equal rights, pay, and the choice to choose but these are human rights even though the evidence of the inequality is seen more in the feminine.

The presentations I heard today seem to lean on a focus  of women taking over the house and the senate and the presidency.  This is not equal. This is a domination that the males have already proven does not work.  As long as we have male and females on earth, we need input from both to enact laws that work for all. Women do not know how to deal with all men.  This is proven by the domestic violence many endure even today. Some women will not, do not, put men in jail for hurting them or their children too many times.  Likewise many men do not know how to deal with women and the social needs of family, this is proven by their inability to feel responsible to provide for his children and control their anger.

Now because of this, we need laws that provide equal choice for childcare as needed, legal abortions, including maternity/paternity leave, equal pay for women in all workplaces. We need laws to be put in place for family needs, women are more attuned to this. Everyone agrees family is the most important unit for any nation to survive but government needs to address this in a more beneficial way.  Women have better ideas of social reforms, that need to be discussed in government and possibly made into law if agreed upon. We need input from both sides to have a fair and equal government.

The right for women to vote was not "to vote for women only," not in the books I've read. The right to vote for women was for women to have the right to vote period.  It is for women to vote with their own conscious for the candidate they believe will do the best job.  I do not want women I do not agree with their political view to become a political figure simply because they are women. No these will not get my vote.  The kind of change I am looking for includes following the laws in tact and improving upon them with input and example of how to make these laws better. 

I fear what the women are crusading for in these celebrations, has already been accomplished and the focus should be more on a suitable female candidate we all agree should get our vote.

Women already have the right to be elected to any political seat in the USA government...what we need is women candidates that all women want to vote for.  American women see the need for change but we want women that prove they are going to provide the change we want to see, not perpetuate the same old government. 

Thinking out loud, thinking for myself and to you.  I don't know, do you think any modern "League of Women's Votes" will allow me to join?  The organizations do not seem to be non-partisan anymore.

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