Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Good Woman

Yesterday I went to a high school graduation of a dear friend.  Her family was there as well as her fiance that I had not met.  The family and friends were so peaceful and fun as they danced, played, ate, and shared this event together.  My friend who is younger than me always impressed me when we first worked together years ago because although she had more children than me, as a single parent it was clear she was "happy."  She went about her life working part-time and caring for her children without deep stress.  When she worked, only close family members took care of her kids, she has a big family that like her, believe children need to be protected and that is accomplished best by close family. She told me she loved being a mother. She is a good mother.

Over the years we have stayed in contact and she continues to impress me with all the heartaches and troubles life brings her and her children, yet she stays "cool, calm, and collected" staying the course always believing "all will be well." She has a positive attitude and a beautiful smile.

I have had a much easier life because of the things I have available to me but she has had a smile through hers that took me years to understand and know inside. There is no doubt that I believe once these precious gifts from the universe, the little people, children, arrive they deserve the best chance, the best start in life, the most kindness and unconditional love we all can give.

This woman gives this. She is Christian with no other influence except her mother, her Grandmother, and her great Grandmother who I met at the graduation.  These women can tell tales of confused and bad behaving men they have had in their life and yet they all survived life caring for these precious children.  There is no greater love on this earth than what this family, the children and parents have for each other.  It is clear the all the children love their mother.

It was a wonderful day being with a friend who I remember why I stay in contact every time we visit. She tells me of the challenges and the triumphs she and her children have come through since last our meeting and how she and the children made it through. Never tells of the challenges to get all attention on her or to dominate a conversation, not even to get sympathy, just facts. She is open and honest as is her family.  Open mind, open heart, equals great love for others.  None of these people bother judging another, or raving about politics, they mind their own business believing in God and that all will be well.

Like so few I call close friends, she is valued by me.  Thank you Katrina for a wonderful day and another example of world peace that your family is to me.  Your children are "blessed" to call you mother.
I'm looking forward to your wedding. You are a good woman.😉

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