Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Did You Know "Beauty and the Beast" has a Real Love Story Behind it?

Did not know that the writers of the music in Little Shop of Horrors movie, which I am not a fan, wrote the music for the animated Disney version of "Beauty and the Beast" which is a movie I love. Talent is talent.

Spent the afternoon watching the new "Beauty and the Beast" with Dan Stevens and Emma Watson watching the special features with a round table read.  What a process and what amazing talent to act and sing.  Of course all the people in the new movie come from musical backgrounds on stage whether it was USA Broadway or London stage.

To be surrounded by talented actors, writers, directors, focusing on the script and production at hand must be a wonderful experience.  No monkeys, no circuses, just discipline to make the best performance possible.  And this film was a classic.  It will be around for a long time.

Something of interest to anyone about the movie story line...It came from a day when royals tried to outdo other royals by giving unusual gifts to one another.  It would seem to be able to give an animal or mineral never seen before or a human that had a special talent, to another royal in another country became a game of one upmanship.

One king knew of a family that had "hypertrichosis" or abnormal hair growth all over the body especially the face. He took 10 y o Don Pieto from his family and presented him as a gift to Henry II.  At first he was put in a cage and paraded around the court for all to marvel at and many thought he was a half man, half, ape.

When he grew older there was a woman who took care of this "animal man" basic needs and in time they became friends..  Eventually the two married.  He and his children became members of the court and were educated and dressed in royal finery to perform for guests or just as a curiosity for all to see. He recited poetry or told stories for entertainment.

There is much more to the story and how life ended for the family however I will leave that for you to discover.  The premise is the making of this beloved movie today, "Beauty and the Beast."

This condition is also thought to be the beginning of the werewolf story.

This is a picture of the actual "Beauty and the Beast" couple.

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